Roy DiLucca

Portrayed by:

Asher Brauner


A Martinez

October 1st, 1999 to Present

Roy DiLucca arrived in Port Charles in 1979 to join his partner Luke Spencer and run the Campus Disco together. To the people of Port Charles, Roy and Luke appeared to be respectable businessmen but they were really working for the mob, which was run by the ruthless Frank Smith. Everything seemed to be going well for everyone involved until State Senator candidate Mitch Williams announced his plans to crack down on organized crime starting with the rumored mob control of the Campus Disco!  Meanwhile, Roy met and fell in love with Luke's sister Bobbie Spencer, who herself was just getting over her obsession with Scotty Baldwin. Roy and Bobbie became engaged. The happiness didn't last long however. Pressure began to mount on Roy and Luke when Luke learned that Frank Smith planned to test Luke's loyalty by telling him to murder Mitch Williams on election night. Instantly, Luke learned the cold was a suicide mission.  There would be no way to leave the scene of the murder alive and if he didn't do it then Frank would have him killed! Either way, Luke was marked for death. Luke sank into a depression and ended up raping Laura Webber Baldwin who concealed her rapist's identity. Laura cared for Luke and knew that on Election Night, he was going to do something to harm himself. Laura threw his car keys away and Luke was unable to do the job. In a race against time, Roy decided to kill Mitch himself! Roy fired a shot wounding Mitch. Roy was then shot by the security guards and stumbled his way outside where he died in Bobbie Spencer's arms. 

In 1999, we learned that Roy had not been killed after all, but instead was in prison for 20 years. He struck a deal with the FBI to play hired informant in exchange for serving a reduced sentence. This enabled him to live with and raise his daughter, Hannah, who was about to become a ward of the court. His FBI deal led him to his last assignment: Port Charles, to take down Sonny Corinthos. His daughter had failed by falling in love with her target and Roy was to save the case. He secured a job in Sonny’s coffee warehouse and quickly was entrusted with Sonny’s organizational duties. Bobbie followed Roy to a mob meeting and was kidnapped. Sonny arranged for her to be rescued and in gratitude, Roy told Sonny the truth about who he was. Because his cover was blown, Roy was sent to Pentonville to serve the rest of his sentence. Just before he left for prison, he confessed his love to ex-flame Bobbie, who confirmed that she had never stopped loving him. While being transferred in a prison van, Sonny arranged an accident that allowed Roy to escape.  

Sonny arranged for Roy to stay in a safe house until they could get the goods on Agent Larkin, the FBI agent who was setting Roy up to take a fall.  Larkin began blackmailing Sonny and eventually took Hannah hostage.  Sonny and Roy managed to rescue Hannah and turn the tables on Larkin, collecting enough evidence to take to the FBI and strike a deal.  Roy was granted “time served” and his sentence was commuted with no evidence of him ever having been an FBI informant.  Sonny was granted immunity from RICO charges.  The two have been tentative friends ever since. 

Roy renewed his affair with Bobbie Spencer and now lives in a small apartment behind the bar, Jake’s.  He is running Luke’s club while Luke is on the lam avoiding false charges for murdering Stefan Cassadine.