Comments through September 12, 2003
(Take a deep breath and smile - only a couple spoilers.) 

Hmm, what to write, what to write.  On my trusty little tablet, I have a total of one page of notes for GH.  I watched and enjoyed but was too tired to concentrate on the offbeat.  So this is what I’m gonna do.  I am going to fast forward my tape through this week’s episodes and write about whatever hits me.  Ready?  Think fast….. 


Emily returned the bracelet given to her by Nickolas and managed to convey how touched she was by the gift while she explained why it would be wrong to keep and wear it.  “It was the most meaningful gift anyone’s ever given me.  And if things had worked out differently, I would have been honored to wear it for the next 60 years.”  Nice for Nickolas that his gift was returned and I think he left her room feeling better than when he entered. 

I thought there was a rule that women always keep jewelry. 

In one of my favorite scenes all week, Faith became giddy at the thought of running away to New York City with Ric.  She practically skipped from the room as she left to pack.

Ric makes Faith’s day when he says, “OK, Faith, you can

fly to New York with me but I get the window seat.

And you have to give me your little bag of snack peanuts too.” 

Big Alice needs a bonus.  I bet dressing teenage groupies wasn’t in her job description as Cynthia displayed herself in Neddy Eddy’s bed.

You put your right arm in, you put your right arm out,

You put your right arm in and you shake it all about… 

Let’s make something perfectly clear.  A.J. DID NOT push Carly down the stairs.  I was there.  I saw the episodes.  A.J. and Carly argued on the stairs.  Carly yanked herself away from A.J., lost her balance, and tumbled down the stairs.  Sonny told Jason his second child wasn’t born because A.J. pushed Carly down the stairs.  On A.J.’s behalf, I protest this revision of history. 

Sonny told Faith, “I told you to do something.  You didn’t do it.  Right?  So now, you’re gonna have to pay for the consequences.”  I started laughing.  Really?  Faith’s gonna pay?  I’ll believe that when I see it.  What’s he going to do?  Take away her black clothes and force her to wear plaid?  Faith had a great reply but I don’t think Sonny appreciated her answer, “Oh really?  Clue.  I don’t work for you.  I’m not your wife.  And I’ve never obeyed anyone in my life.”  The concept that Faith refuses to be controlled by Sonny is an idea that Sonny is unable to process.

See that broken headlight, Faith?  With my X-Ray vision

I can tell that’s where Liz’s body tried shake hands

with your car. 


For the record, I volunteer to go away with Jason whenever, wherever.  And I’ll confess all my problems whether I have any or not while he gazes at me with those understanding tender eyes.  “If you can’t trust anything else.  Just trust that I love you.”  Sigh.  “OK,” my sappy insides answered.

Jason gazes into Courtney’s eyes and compels her

To confess her deepest emotions.

“And when I was three my puppy died.”

“And when I was five I lost my favorite lunch box.”

“And when I was 12 I had a big pimple right on my chin.”

“And when I was 16 Johnny Taylor dumped me for Sherry Sue.” 

GH today was a layer cake of age groups.  First, there were scenes with Maxie, Kyle, Georgie and Dillon as they decided how to handle Kyle’s witnessing of Liz’s hit and run.  Next we saw the musketeers – Emily, Nickolas, Liz, Lucky and Zander as they rallied around Liz.  Then Sonny, Faith and Scotty had a scene in the garage by Ric’s car.  All the demographics were addressed except the very young and very old. 


Tuesday must be demographic rating day. 

Sonny visited Ric as he sat in handcuffs at the PCPD accused of running down Elizabeth, which mistakenly made Ric believe that Sonny cared.  He asked for Sonny’s help in convincing Elizabeth that he didn’t roll over her with his car and then couldn’t believe that Sonny wouldn’t go to bat for him.  Silly Ric, thinking Sonny cares.


“Sonny, I know you love me. You have to, I’m your brother.”

“Feel the hand around you neck, Ric?  Think about the wire, Ric.” 


Liz can’t see, Bobbi showed up for a day, and Emily walks with a cane?  What’s up with that?


Hey, Liz, whatcha doin’ on the floor?

“Yeah, Liz, can I play too?” 

Dillon’s wonderful expressive face told a whole story of what Faith might be doing to parts of their bodies off camera, while Faith played blackmail and seduce the minor. 

Tickle, tickle, want to play?

I can’t believe I just wrote that. 

Newsflash!  Jason without a shirt!  Pfft! lasted about 2 seconds, doesn’t count.  I liked that Courtney confessed her fear to Jason regarding the pills.  “I’ve been taking them a lot.  All right, I’ve been taking them too much.  And I’m afraid that I’m not going to be able to stop.”  I liked that Jason supported her and asked how she wanted to handle the problem.  What I want to know is how feeding the plants Hydrocodone is meaningful.  Throwing them away in the ocean is significant.  Burying them in the sand is significant.  Dumping them in the plants really doesn’t move temptation very far away.


Peek-a-boo.  Now you see the chest, now you don’t.

A new concept in plant food, drugs for the hyper-active perennial. 

I just liked the picture. 

Isn’t it amazing that Liz was smacked by a car, suffered scraped corneas and a little cut on her forehead and isn’t even sore?  Talk about miraculous!

I’m not holding a pity party until Liz

shows me blood and guts. 

The idea of Sonny and Carly doing Lamaze together tickles my funny bone.  One scene, just one scene is all I want to see of Sonny and Carly in class learning to breathe. 


Poor Lydia-Boop excluded from the magic that binds Emily and Nickolas.  Because her character practices calculating, but behaves like an ingénue, I can’t read her, which makes me crazy.  When she figures out her personality, I’ll practice tolerance.  Until then, I consider it open season on Lydia (Betty)Boop-Cassadine.  One benefit of her scene with Emily on Thursday was the presentation of Emily’s new expression, which conveyed jealousy.  Good one, Em.


Perky Lydia says, “I’m just so happy to be Mrs. Nickolas Cassadine and you’re not.”

Emily says, “Well, honey, you can have his name, you can even have his baby, but

you’ll never beat my record for the most hunks sitting by my bedside in this town.” 

When Nickolas and Lydia kissed, I expected Lucky to walk in without knocking to ask an inane question about Stefan or Darius.  Be honest now, did the idea occur to anyone else? 

Where’s Lucky, the Nickolas and Lydia marriage bed monitor? 


Dillon the FBI agent, apprehending Georgie, the notorious drug runner for Alcazar was better than warm, dry feet on a cold, rainy day.  Why do farmers receive a bad rap as dumb hicks wearing overalls?


Now listen up, Pardner, you done caught the bad girl.

Just mosey on inside and wait for your ree-ward. 

Anyone believe that Courtney has conquered her jealousy regarding the suddenly restored friendship between Jason and Liz?  Not me.  I enjoyed Jason and Liz’s conversation in the hospital.  Maybe they make better friends than they would have lovers.  Since Courtney’s firmly ensconced in the Fab Four storyline, I guess our chances of knowing remain only a slim possibility for the future.


Really Jason, I’m so secure that I don’t mind if you visit poor pathetic run over blind Liz.

But I’m going to eavesdrop just in case. 

Dreaming that I ran over someone would definitely freak me out!  The clues seem to be leaning towards Courtney, but the promo shows three suspects - Sonny, Faith and Ric.  Maybe A.J.’s the culprit.  Scapegoat for most despicable deeds in Port Charles, hit and run would be right up his alley.


Courtney argues with herself, “I’m driving this time.  No, I’m driving.

You drove last time.  Give me the keys, I’m driving.”

Delusional personalities, don’t let delusional personalities drive on drugs. 

Did anyone else yell, “Take off the coat!” at Carly?  

I liked Katrina’s comment, “But it’s Ittalllliiiiiannnn.” 

Fun Spoilers 

Judge Farmer decides Kristina's fate

Must we endure more scenes with this woman? 

Em prepares dinner for Zander, but he is called away by Alexis.

Where and when did Emily learn to cook?  Perhaps it’s the beginning of a new storyline as Alexis saves Zander from Emily’s attempts to keep house and cook for her man.  Since she’s unable to handle a power outage, I can’t see her cleaning a bathroom or knowing how to plug in and turn on a vacuum. 

Ric makes use of tough love for Liz's sake

Gee, I hope his brand of tough love doesn’t involve the panic room and a chain.  He’s already tried that ploy and it didn’t work well for him. 

Capelli is working for Alcazar!

If Taggert were still running the show, Capelli wouldn’t have taken a bribe from the dark side.  Isn’t it scary that the only two known cops in the PCPD are Capelli and Lucky?   

I had a soapbox moment this afternoon and since I feel like venting, I guess I am going to let loose here.  Let me preface my little angst by saying that I hold teachers in highest regard.  Any person able to lock himself in a room for 8 hours a day with a positive attitude and teach children of any age deserves respect.  However, don’t think that I am not aware that the stress of a teaching position makes for the occasional need to lash out.  What, ask teachers with innocent eyes, could I possibly mean?  Well, I’ll tell ya.  I’m talking about projects, which require posterboard, markers, Styrofoam balls, wire, glue, scissors, etc.  These projects are a teacher’s revenge upon parents.  I see my son’s science teacher at home this weekend relaxing, maybe lazing on the couch watching a movie on Lifetime, and every few minutes breaking out in a gleeful smile, maybe even in maniacal laughter, at the thought of parents and children ransacking Hobby Lobby and Wal-Mart searching for crafty items to use in the construction of a plant or animal cell.  Why must we build such a thing?  It’s not like the kids can’t be forced into memorizing the parts and identifying them in numerous quizzes.  Oh no, we must create; we must become crafty.  And for people like me, that would be the noncrafty type, such projects make for nightmarish afternoons in which I try to help my son work the glue gun and not get in his way.  Nothing like a little torture for the perfectionist since glue guns and I are not best friends and my son doesn’t seem to have inherited the glue gun gene either.  I am certain it’s not a teaching tool, no matter how forcefully teachers may protest.  It’s payback, pure and simple. 

Thanks for letting me vent.  May your week be filled with extraordinary ideas.  Thanks for stopping by.

As always, my thanks to Terry who works so hard on her screen caps site. 

Let’s think outside the box.

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