![]() Mia Korf, the first Blair Daimler ![]() ![]() Blair and Todd's second wedding
Blair today. |
Blair Daimler Manning Cramer Holden Buchanan Played by Mia Korf Kassie DePaiva 1996-Present Blair makes Scarlett O'Hara look like an amateur in the scheming for personal gain department. More than once she has shown that it is just as easy to love a rich man as a poor man. Since coming to Llanview Blair has dedicated her life to the pursuit of never being hungry, or poor or badly dressed ever again and she has proved herself more than willing to lie, steal, cheat or fake a pregnancy or two, to achieve her goals. If she ever catches Max with Skye Chandler again, she'll definitely consider murder! Blair comes by her conniving ways honestly; her aunt is Dorian Cramer Lord. Blair arrived in Llanview with her own agenda. Not realizing she was Dorian's niece, Viki hired Blair as her new assistant at The Banner. Blair was playing her cards very close to her chest. She had hidden her mentally unstable mother, Addie in the loft at the boarding house. Addie was Dorian's older sister, who had been institutionalized for most of her life. Blair had a major axe to grind with her Aunt Dorian. She blamed Dorian for her mother's illness and incarceration, and had come to Llanview to exact revenge. While Blair worked at The Banner and plotted against Dorian, she had a second agenda, trying to take care of her mother financially and at the center of this plan, she had wealthy and older Asa Buchanan in her cross hairs. But before getting Asa to the altar, Blair met Max Holden and there were Fireworks!!! The attraction between them was fiery and instantaneous. Sparks flew off them as they shared a midnight dance on New Year's Eve. Max pursued Blair but she was busy charming Asa Buchanan away from his millions and his sixth wife, Renee Divine. Renee was not happy when she found Asa and Blair getting busy in the Buchanan stables. Blair was just as driven in her fight to the top of the business world and she didn't mind hurting Dorian to get there. Blair blackmailed Dorian, using dirt she had discovered about Dorian's involvement in the death of her late husband, Victor Lord. Blair tricked Dorian into signing a document admitting she had killed Victor Lord in 1976. Dorian had no clue she signing a confession implicating her in Victor Lord's death. This dirty trick got Blair the Editor-in-Chiefship of Llanview's tacky tabloid, The Intruder. Max Holden was still obsessed with
winning Blair back and stopping her from marrying Asa Buchanan, but Blair
was even more captivated by Asa's millions and what she could do with
them. Max proposed to Blair and she accepted but when Asa promised
to keep Dorian from putting Blair's mother back in the mental institution,
Blair changed her mind. On Asa and Blair's wedding day more sparks flew between Max and Blair with them making love on top of Blair's wedding dress; but Blair was determined to marry Asa, chemistry be damned. Asa was hell-bent on having another son, so Blair faked a pregnancy to preserve her very lucrative marriage. She made the mistake of telling her unstable mother about the fake pregnancy, and Addie shared the news with Cain, who then told Tina. When Blair fell down the stairs at the mansion (not unlike Scarlett O'Hara), and was rushed to the hospital, Larry Wolek learned that Blair had never been pregnant. He explained it as an "hysterical pregnancy," but no one believed him, especially not the Granddaddy of all schemers, Asa. When Blair returned from the hospital Asa confronted her with the truth about the baby. While they were arguing Asa suffered an angina attack. Never a gracious loser, Blair threw down her birth control pills and refused to help him. Blair withheld Asa's heart medication as he writhed in pain in front of her. Her first marriage was now history and Blair left Llanview. In late 1993, Blair returned and
established Melador Cosmetics. After
failing to recapture Max's heart, Blair encountered Llanview's other
social outcast, Todd Manning, at Rodi's Bar.
Todd turned out to be a kindred soul and he was equally intrigued
by Blair. Blair and Todd ended up at her apartment and they shared a
night of passionate lovemaking. When Blair learned that Todd was another of Victor Lord's long-lost sons she immediately fell madly in love with his $27.8 million dollars. She schemed to marry him by claiming to be pregnant with his baby. Todd, never the trusting kind, ("Do I look like I trust people? I've got TnT around my middle.") strongly encouraged the new Mrs. Manning to submit to a pregnancy test - he must have heard about the Buchanan "baby" scam! Blair was surprised and relieved when it came back positive. Sadly and ironically, Blair lost the baby when two members of the Arrows gang assaulted her on the docks of East Llanview. |
The always helpful and selfless Max Holden told Todd that Blair was not pregnant when she married Todd. Todd snapped and went mad, nearly raping Blair, until she reminded him what he did to Marty Saybrooke. Todd came to his senses and stopped, but for Blair, marriage number two was finished. Then Blair discovered she was pregnant again. When Todd learned that Blair was carrying his child, he and Blair reconciled and remarried. This time they had a beautiful ceremony at St. James Church with their friends and families present. After the wedding, Todd went to Ireland to find Marty Saybrooke. He wanted to resolve his conflicts with Marty and sent her home to her dying friend Paloma. Todd stayed on the isle of Inishcrag to help Marty's lover Patrick Thornhart. Todd, who was wearing Patrick's coat, was mistaken for Patrick and was shot, thrown into the trunk of a car, and driven off a cliff. When Todd was last seen, he was lying on an Irish beach with his eyes wide open. Blair, pregnant with Todd's baby, and
grieving over her loss, took out her anger on Marty, blaming her for
Todd's death. Blair plotted
to destroy Marty's life. Blair's
Plan "A" was to even the score by seducing Marty's lover,
Patrick Thornhart. In January 1996, Blair gave birth
to a daughter, Starr. Blair
started to foment her plan to seduce Patrick.
That summer, after a very romantic dinner Patrick succumbed to
Blair's charms and they made love on the floor of Todd's penthouse.
A mysterious figure watched in the shadows.
Todd Manning looked on in stunned silence at the sight of his
"widow" and the man who had caused his "death" coupled
in the heat of passion. Todd
left the penthouse, and kept his return to Llanview a secret from everyone
except Viki. Determined to
cause Blair as much pain as she had unknowingly caused him, Todd
kidnapped, their baby girl, Starr. Todd
finally returned her and revealed to Blair that he was alive.
Blair was overjoyed that Todd was home, but this happiness was
short-lived as Todd vowed to pay her back for her infidelity with Patrick. Todd resumed his position as
Publisher of the Sun, and set out to make Blair's life a living hell.
Todd fought with himself because he was torn between wanting to end
their marriage and trying to resist his strong attraction to Blair and
give her another chance to prove her love for him.
When everything seemed perfect for them to reconcile, Blair learned
that she was pregnant with Patrick's baby from their one nightstand. To compound their estrangement, Blair
discovered Todd was responsible for having kidnapped Starr and she left
him. Blair and Todd began a
bitter custody battle over their daughter.
Both Blair and Todd had strong feelings for each other, but were
too stubborn to admit it. Starr became seriously ill and was
diagnosed with aplastic anemia, needing a bone marrow transplant in order
to survive. Todd and Blair
launched a public campaign to find a compatible donor and decided to move
back in together and present themselves as a united couple for the sake of
appearances. With all of
their energy focused on saving Starr, Todd and Blair's resentments started
to thaw. They were on the verge of a complete reconciliation when fate
stepped in again and turned their world upside down. Blair prepared for the procedure in which her unborn baby's bone marrow would be extracted and used to treat Starr. But before the procedure could take place Blair and Patrick were in a car accident caused by her cousin, Kelly Cramer. Blair lost her unborn baby, and Starr's potential bone marrow donor. Fortunately, Starr's life was spared Alex Olanov proved to be a compatible donor. Starr was on her way to a full recovery, but Blair was seriously injured in the crash and suffered a stroke while in the hospital. She was taken to Philadelphia for surgery and recuperation. The crash had serious long-term effects on both Todd and Blair. Blair held Kelly responsible for the death of her baby Brendan and for Todd being able to steal Starr while Blair was in the hospital. The cousins started a feud with Blair being the agitator. She was determined to make Kelly pay for killing her baby. They carried out their grudge match all over Llanview and both chalked up hefty dry cleaning bills as they acted out their animosity. Their rivalry was embodied in the person of rich, handsome, single Ian Armitage. Blair needed money, a lot of money to fight Todd for custody of Starr. Once again, she found it easy to love or at least marry a rich man. Blair's only impediment was Kelly and Ian's budding relationship. Ian had strong feelings for Kelly, but Blair made it very difficult for him to resist her seductive charms. In the end, Ian chose Kelly instead of Blair, but he died when his plane crashed in Ohio during a blizzard. Blair tried to cash in on Kelly's inheritance from Ian so she would have enough money to fight Todd for Starr's custody, but she had another obstacle in her way, Tea Delgado. To keep Blair from getting Starr, Todd had made a deal with his lawyer Tea Delgado. Tea got five million Todd Manning dollars and all she had to do was marry him and present the picture of a happy, normal, stable family for the court. Tea maximized every opportunity possible to make Blair look unbalanced. At a charity auction, Tea went too far in baiting Blair and her temper flared up at Tea, resulting in Tea crashing through a second story window. Pending a full psychiatric evaluation, Todd was granted full custody of Starr. Blair was devastated to lose her little girl. Blair was eventually given visitation rights to Starr when she provided Todd with a much-needed alibi when he was mistakenly suspected of raping a nurse, Barbara Graham. When Todd and all his "personalities" left town in 1998, Blair got custody of Starr and a 49% share of The Sun Newspaper. Before Kelly and Max's double wedding with Asa and Renee, Blair and Max had sex. While Blair was hiding out afterwards she overheard Renee telling Asa about the baby they had years ago and whom she had given up for adoption. Blair and Max schemed to learn the identity of the missing Buchanan before Asa and Renee did. Max intercepted an e-mail to Nora with information about Asa and Renee's son. Max and Blair flew to Las Vegas to follow up on their lead. Max and Blair tried to scam Esther Hoffman, the nurse who helped Renee deliver her son, but she turned the tables on them and tried to blackmail them for a million dollars. Max and Blair came through with the cash that Esther demanded and were shocked to learn that the Buchanan heir was someone they knew. Blair and Max got married in Las Vegas, but were forced to live apart in Llanview to keep their marriage a secret from Asa. They wanted to Max to have Asa's money so they could provide financially for Max's children, if he died suddenly. Max had been diagnosed with a supposedly inoperable and fatal brain aneurysm and he was completely tapped out after using all his money to pay off the children's kidnappers. Max had tried once before to con Asa into thinking he was his son, but now Blair and Max knew who the Buchanan heir was and were able to successfully fake the DNA test using genetic material from Asa's real son (who turned out to be Ben Davidson). Blair worried about Max's aneurysm because he refused to see a doctor. Blair began to question Ben for information about the treatment of aneurysms while Asa warned Max to stay away from Blair. Asa and Renee shared the DNA test results with Max that "proved" he was their son. Thinking that she was doing what was best for Max, Blair asked him for a divorce. Max promised Blair that he would get Asa and Renee's blessing on their marriage, refusing Asa's offer of $250,000 to stay away from Blair. Blair later forged Max's signature on the agreement because she wanted him to use the money to have surgery on his aneurysm. Asa caught Max and Blair together and offered Blair the same deal to stay away from Max. Max was crushed when Blair agreed to take the money. Blair and Max thought their scheme was going smoothly, until Esther Hoffman suddenly arrived in Llanview demanding one million dollars in exchange for her continued silence. When Max and Blair failed to raise the money, Esther offered to sell Sam the information she said would destroy Asa. Sam gave Esther a check for one million dollars, but she choked to death on an olive in her martini before telling Sam that Max wasn't Asa's son. Just when it looked like Esther was out of the picture and they could relax, it turned out that Esther had blabbed the whole scam to Skye Chandler, who neatly stepped into the breach and started to blackmail Blair and Max. The Buchanan-Holden marriage took a distinct turn toward the dysfunctional when Skye found out that not only was Max conning Asa about being his son, but that he was also faking brain damage after his surgery because Renee had found out that he was not really her son. When Skye became too much of a threat to Max, he started to sleep with her and made her think he had genuine feelings for her. When Blair discovered the affair, she became a woman scorned and acted like the She-Devil Asa has always said she is. Asa took great delight in tormenting Blair over Max's affair. He even invited Skye to the country club for a Buchanan family dinner. Max came to Blair's defense, but she was so hurt and angry she followed Skye's into the ladies room and tried to flush Skye's head in the toilet. Skye retaliated later by drugging Blair and chopping her hair off! Blair gave Skye some of the famous and easy-to-get Llanview truth serum. Blair retrieved the document Max had given Sky where she confessed that she was responsible for scamming Asa and Renee and destroyed it. Blair's patience wore thin and her pride was bruised. She demanded that Max choose between her and Skye. When Max refused to kick Skye out of the mansion, Blair walked out on him. Max came crawling to Dorian's house, to beg Blair to come back home and reconcile. Blair played up her feelings of love for Max, all the while plotting the ultimate revenge against him for hurting her so much. She got flirted with a computer expert to create a computer virus that would come out with an internet announcement to the world that Max Buchanan is a total fraud. Max bought her story, even about wanting to give him and Asa a new Buchanan baby. Lately, Blair has mellowed on her revenge against Max and she is now worried about the repercussions from her scheming. When she found out that her ex-husband, Todd Manning had become a computer guru while he was gone (remember Llanview's New Year's Eve problems? Guess who!!!) she has been forced to make a deal with the Devil Himself, to try and stop the virus from coming out. Blair's life may be making a radical change in direction, depending on what kind of help Todd gives her… Will she stay with Max or will conspiring with Todd rekindle their feelings? |