
There are so many people without whom this site would not be or at least not be as cool as it is.  The staff of Eye on Soaps would like to thank:

Joe Humphrey, web page designer extraordinaire who was invaluable in the set up and technical advice for the page, as well as lending enormous support in motivating us to get a move on and get the site going.  Thanks for your ongoing support and encouragement, without which we wound not be.

Eric and John, quite possibly the most supportive husbands two women with a vision could ever have.  They gave enormously of their love, encouragement and support during the crazy time that this site was finding its wheels.  We love you, guys.

Our Children, who often had to spend hours and hours looking at the mom's back as she faced the computer rather than a dinner on the table.

Susan Galbraith, whose expert wisdom on all things web got us through some pretty sticky points and saved us from more than a few disasters.

Lisa L., who was the first person with whom Katrina could candidly yack about soaps.  Thank you for a very special friendship that I cherish.  Despite an ocean of  issues that could have been conflicts, we bonded to forge a warm and loving friendship.  Thanks for caring enough to do that with me.

Laura Gedstern, the spoiler queen, who gave us crash courses in all things related to having a soap website., a wonderful website to whom we owe thanks for most of the photos we used on the site as well as some of the text for character and actor biographies.  They are an incredible resource that bears checking out.

Last but not least, we'd like to thank all of the GH fans who followed us here from the other sites on which we have worked, just to see what we produced.  You're the reason we do this!