The Next Grammy Page

How Cool!  Harvey Firestein looked great in the Divine role (I'm guessing) from Hairspray.  Rod Stewart, blah blah blah.

Ashanti I'd never heard before, but quite nice!

Pfft.  Puff Daddy P Diddy Sean Combs... get over yourself.  Pick a name and stick to it.  Kim Catrall...who'da thought "Mannequin" would end up being sex personified!  What a hottie!

A bunch of old guys pretending to be NSync gave a great tribute to...

What's left of our poor BeeGee's.  What a cursed little family the Brothers Gibb were!  *sniff*  Love those BeeGees.  ("Feel I'm going back to Massachusettes, something's telling me I must go home."  awwwww)

Peter Gabrille (right)!!  Wow!  He's like old and stuff.  Consider my monkey shocked with a sledgehammer!

Sheryl Crow got one hell of a makeover!

Tony Bennet...older than God and still raking it in!

B B King dressed to the nines!!  Lookin good!

Robin Williams...I love him, but his shtick is getting old and he just isn't funny to me any more.  :(  I guess he is to someone getting the "Best Spoken Album" award.

Herbie Hancock!  Again, a great is honored!

How THIS pic of Gwen Stefani got shuffled into the new Grammy page is beyond me.  Every time I saw her, she was dressed (?) like this:

Which made me wonder if she was still married to Bush's, Gavin Rothsdale, which reminded me of when three-year-old little Delena used to announce that Gabbin Rossdale is the lead singer for Bush and his best song is "Machine Head."  She is.  She thanked him.  :)  Gwen, not Delena.

Proving that she is still just so cool, the Queen of Pop, Cyndi Lauper looked fabulous.

And likewise, Debbie Harry shows how it IS done...  Looking great...

While these ladies show how it ISN'T done...


Debbie wins.

Kylie Monigue looks very...awards show. I hope she doesn't wear this to the grocery store.

Queen looking VERY regal!  (some old man pretending to be Justin Timberlake)

Paul Schaffer...looking...eccentric (wish I had the coat).

I noticed that a lot of people were saying, "And the winner is..." rather than "And the Grammy goes to..." which I thought was required in the interest of not rubbing salt in loser wounds.  Best dressed awards, other than BB King, go to the women who shoo the people off stage.  VERY nice!

Wow!  I was just feeling bad for feeling a bit hungry, but it's 1:15pm!  It's time to eat!  Cool!

And with that, I should get around to further the house cause.  Be well, my dears.
