September 12, 2003

If I'm not mistaken, this is the first time I've re-used a web set design since January 3rd of this year.  This one, I used before on the April 25th entry for this year.  I'm not out of web sets to use by a long shot.  There is so much wonderful linkware out there for design impaired people like myself (each of my pages has a web design credit, so if you are ever in need of a good one, just go clicking), but this one spoke to me again and if nothing else, I'm one to follow the nudges. 

I'm a woman of few words today.  I'm feeling quiet and introspective, possibly from the full moon energy that is still around (Harvest Moon always packs such a mixed back of wonderful energy).  Maybe it's from the Mercury Retrograde.  Maybe it's from harvest itself.  Regardless, I'm feeling quiet (sadly, Nathan still isn't - smile).

Eric did get some good news.  Of course, in this business, good news carries an expiration date of about 2 days.  He was offered a chance to work in another town indefinitely (for the same company he works for now) for a little more money rather than getting laid off with everyone else. 

This is incredibly good news, even though it does mean I'll see less of him rather than more and will have a few extra hours a day of kid time.  It's for a greater good overall and at least we'll have continued employment.  That's a very, very good thing.  He will be working with two men that he really likes (his best friends at the company, in fact), so they can ride together and make it a guys' road trip every day.  At least his worries about being unemployed are now resolved.  It appears this is a long term project that will carry him through until his own business goes full time.  That's definitely a good thing.

The weekend promises to be low keyed.  Eric is working tomorrow, so I'll be home with kiddies and no car (as usual), so other than not having to hurry kids out the door in the morning, it will be an ordinary day.  Nothing planned for Sunday.

We're having our Full Moon celebration tonight, so I'm going to research some Harvest Moon lore to use and make the music CD.  I've been feeling so autumn-focused lately that it fits well with my mood.  Of course, these 90-100 degree temps we're having in Sacramento isn't contributing well. I don't mind the heat and, in fact, moved to this area partly for the weather, but when I'm in this mood, I'm looking for crisp mornings and mild days.  Meh.  In a few weeks, it will be here.

So all is well and I'm going into the weekend with a sense of ambition and well being. I'm going to try and get into the garage to clean and find the elusive completed novel to re-write.  My friend, Katie, recently gave me a nudge (if you can consider both of her hands leaving imprints on my back a "nudge") in that directly, so I'm going to give it a nod.

I also wanted to share, for those of you who might be interested (YO!  WENDY!!), my latest project.  I'm a big fan of archetypes, believing they have enormous value in our society, despite the cry of "pigeon holes!!" screamed by the detractors.  Anyway, in Craft, there are three basic archetypes for women:  Maiden, Mother and Crone.  These archetypes are also reflected in the Goddess aspects and personalities.  Anyway, I had always felt a little bugged by this since I don't feel in this day and time that we fly directly from being a Mother to being a Crone.  I rested very uneasily between the two, having grown children, but having small ones as well. 

In that interest, my gals and I set about revamping the process (we are nothing if not trail blazers... we take NOTHING as unshakable dogma!!) and decided to add "The Diva" into the mix.  So now we have Maiden, Mother, Diva and Crone.  I feel in society, the middle-aged woman who is empowered, strong, experienced and discerning is overlooked.  The Diva clarified perfectly where I feel I am in my life and revealed and refined a critical part of my personality to which I could not give a name.  I totally love it. I've been reveling in Diva for about a month now and in honor of that, I created this website:  It has some Wicca components to it, but overall, it's set up to honor the Diva.  It has book and movie reviews, "the Diva among us," which is a "Diva of the Month" kind of thing.  There is also a "Diva Muse" for Diva poetry and writing, as well as "Ask the Diva" and "the Diva journal."  Anyway, if you're interested (and it's cool if you're not because it's not everyone's deal), give it a look and see what you think.

Meanwhile, I'm off to collect music and folklore!  Hope everyone has a STELLAR weekend and feels that wonderful harvest coming in!!

Much Love,

PS:  Take a second, right now.  Relax your mind.  Lose the worry for a just a few moments.  Breathe in, hold it, breathe out.  Feel the miracles that are inherent in each new second.  Feel the incredible possibilities that are out there!  Know that obstacles are transient.  Let your higher self carry you straight to your own best future.  Feel the good and the excitement that is there for you.  The Universe is waiting to correct the things in your life that are off track and to take you to a place where joy, success and happiness are waiting for you. In this moment, give The Powers That Be (whatever you see Them to be) permission to show you how to be happy and put you on the fast track to get there.

(go on!  DO IT!  I don't have all day!)


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© Amy Brown Fantasy Art

Enchanting Designz