Richard Abbott
Reporter, first husband of Becky Lee, mother to Drew, Bo's son

Sophia, cop with LPD
originally a waitress at crossroads

Alex Olanov & Carlo Hesser

Alex married Asa twice

Andrew Carpenter (stepson of Viki) and wife Kassie (daughter of Dorian)

Top Row:  Joe Riley, Victor Lord (before he was a child molester), Dorian Lord, Larry Woleck

Bottom Row:  Anna and Jim Craig, Viki Riley, Pat Kendall

Georgie Phillips.  Developed an obsession for Bo and tortured Nora

Marty and Patrick Thornhart

Julie and Mark Toland (Julie was Joe Riley's Niece)

Marco Dane
all around lovable bad guy
with lovable boarding house marm, Ina Hopkins and right, future wife of Marco, Edwina Lewis

Katrina Karr and husband,  Marcello

Hooker turned good girl


John Sykes

Detective, LPD, did us the favor of squiring
Rae Cummings out of a nowhere cubby

Jim Craig and daughter, Cathy


Jenny Woleck (cousin to Larry) with Gretel Cummings (left) and husband Brad (bad guy right)

New Jenny (right) with new Brad and her sister, Karen (married to Larry)

New Jenny with New Husband, concert pianist David Renaldi (Kassie's father, Dorian's ex)

Dr Ivan Kipling

A baaaad man

Carla and Ed Hall
Gooooood folks


Blair and Todd

The Buchanans


The Gannons

The Holdens

The Rappaports

Tina and Cord

The Vegas
