Katrina's Soap Journal  By Katrina Rasbold  

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As I have mentioned, the combined couple names, designed to save wear and tear on the weary tongues and keyboards, as well as to make them into some kind of force of nature, really hits me the wrong way.  Sure, some couples are just magic.  Anna and Robert were outrageous and exciting and romantic and sexy, but we got through just fine without collapsing the individual characters into a nebulous blob of a union.  Each party in the couple retained their identity and were incredible unto themselves.  Anna and Robert stayed “Anna” and “Robert,” not Ranna (conquering to mind the unthinkable “Ranna, Lanna, Ding, Dong).  This freed up Anna to also be hot as blazes with Duke without celebrating “Danna” and Robert and Holly were spared the fate of “Rolly” (or worse, “Lolly” during Holly’s foray with Luke).  The unbreakable team of Luke and Robert would be Lobert.   Luke and Laura would be...Luke and Laura.  

To maximize the jest and further push the tongue into cheek (preferably the inside of someone else’s), I submit the following combined names for your inspection.  As you may notice, some of these couples never existed and aren’t likely to, but it’s fun, nonetheless! 


Adam and Liza = Ladnum = Laudanum (OK, it's a reach, but it's fun)

Brooke and Tad = Bad 

Tad and Myrtle = Tyrtle 

Maggie and Roger = Raggie 

Brooke and Tom = Bom(b) 

Kendall and Ryan = Kryan ("Oh, it's cryin' time again, he's gonna leave you...")

Rosa (Santos) and Palmer = Rosie Palm 

Hayley and Joe (Martin) = HayJoe ("Where you goin’ with that gun in your hand?") 

Opal and Ryan = O-Ryan (to wax astronomical)

Natalie and Jeremy = (A)Natamy 

Phoebe and Langley = Phangley 

Jeremy and Erica and Opal = JericO 

Nina and Cliff = Niff 

Hayley and Daisy = HayDais 


Viki and Sloan = Slicki 

Max and Luna = Muna 

Bo and Didi – BoDiddily or Beady

Clint and Viki = Cliquey 

Joey and Kelly = Jelly 

Patrick and Marty = Party! 

Sheila and Hank = Shank 

Rafe and Samantha = Safe 

Sarah and Bo = So?


Tony and Audrey = Tawdry 

Bobbie and Tony = Bony 

Tom and Simone = Timone (Hakuna Matada! - and he was in Africa!) 

Brenda and Jagger = Bragger 

Lucy and Alan = Lu-al (luau - aloha) 

Felicia and Coltin = Fel-otin’ (Floatin’) 

Sonny and Lily = Silly 

Lee and Gail – Glee 

Keesha and Jason – Keeson (kissin - and they were cousins!  so Keeson Cousins!) 

Another name for Frisco’s kids: Little Friskies 

Stone and Robin = Sobbin  *sniff* 

Flea and Mac = Flac(k)


Have some fun with them yourself!!



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The One About Soap People
Who Look Like Real People

The One About Why Soaps Don't 
Go The Way We Want Them To

The One About Jason and Liz
July 2002

Katrina's Soap Journal
June 2002

Katrina's Soap Journal
April-May 2002

Katrina's Soap Journal
March 2002

Katrina's Soap Journal
February 2002

Katrina's Soap Journal
January 2002

Katrina's Soap Journal
December 2001

Katrina's Soap Journal
November 2001

Katrina's Soap Journal
October 2001

Katrina's Soap Journal
September 2001

Katrina's Soap Journal
August 2001

Katrina's Soap Journal
March - August 2001

Katrina's Soap Journal
March, 2001

Katrina's Soap Journal
January 1-March 20, 2001

Katrina's Soap Journal, 
December 22-31, 2000

Katrina's Soap Journal, 
December 1-22, 2000

Best of the Journal Weekly Column

Other Old Journals

Katrina's "On the Soap Box" columns

Katrina's Profile

Katrina's NonSoapy Journal


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