Methinks we are in the "calm before the storm," each show setting the
stage for February Sweeps -- slowly and painfully, if you ask me. (Yeah,
Pollyanna has been power napping lately, so if something snarky slips in
here, it's her fault. Really.) After having had a most enjoyable few weeks
centered around the holidays, both AMC and GH are moving as far away from
warp speed as possible. I'm even starting to pay closer attention to the
show intros, which I started fast-forwarding through after about a week of
admiring the changes. We've come a long way since the days of the unmoving
red "All My Children" photo album, with dirge-like theme playing in the
background, and from the screaming ambulance passing by the massive
structure that is "General Hospital."
I thought it was great when the show introductions began including
pictures of the contract players, accompanied by updated theme music,
which morphed, along with the photos, every couple of years. (You could
also tell who had more clout at each show. When AMC started showing two
openings, each of which began and ended with Erica Kane but alternated
other characters, her status, always obvious, was cemented.) At one point,
all of the ABC soaps identified the character by name, which I'd heard was
an annoyance to the actors. That's been stopped. I've been told that
actors who leave the show remain in the opening credit montage for six
months, so every now and then, I watch the intros to see if there have
been any changes. This week I noted Bobby Warner's absence from AMC, then
the addition of Diego, Steven, Brook Lynn and Lois to GH's intro. (Still
waiting for the rumored alternate opening for GH, featuring the women in
formal dress rather than the men. And wondering about the absence of Ingo
Rademacher from the men's formal portrait, as he looks so at home in white
tie and tails.) I didn't notice if anyone had been deleted from the GH
opening; it seemed that some of the spots had been edited/shortened to
accommodate the four additions. Have I missed anything? If so, please
write in and let me know!
Lovely to see Liza and Mary on AMC, however briefly. More, please!
JR's quiet, snarling fury is much more palatable than screams of scenes
Jesse McCartney, probably the longest-running of the JR recasts, has a
burgeoning singing career. At one point, the character of JR was
performing in a boy band, and Adam proudly remade an estate outbuilding
into a rehearsal space for the lad (anything to keep him away from drugs).
I'm wondering if this is the same outbuilding that became Mary's art
studio and, now that she is persona non grata, if it will become a
rehearsal space once more after JR's bravura performance at the Concert
For Miranda. Who knew/remembered that JR once sang (no one outside PV, or
so we thought)? Jacob Young, the current JR, released a CD of his own back
when he played Lucky on GH, so perhaps AMC is plotting to take GH's "rock
soap" crown away. Hey, Tonya "Livia Frye" Pinkins is a Tony-winning belter,
so there's other musical talent on the show. Vincent Irizarry once played
Paul McCartney in the stage show "Beatlemania" and is reportedly a fine
musician in his own right. Eva LaRue has recorded a CD or two, and then
there's La Lucci, who does a touring song-and-schtick show with Regis
Philbin. (Little known bonus: the young actor who played devilish Petey
Courtlandt was recently on Broadway playing "Young Peter Allen" in "The
Boy From Oz," starring Hugh Jackman. Now that that show has closed, maybe
we'll see Petey again on AMC. And Petey's "dad," James "Palmer" Mitchell
was quite a hoofer, back in the day.) Eden "Bianca" Riegel has
demonstrated a sweet singing voice and Bobbie "Krystal" Eakes is said to
have a big following in Europe, vis-a-vis David Hasselhoff. Hmmm. I don't
think I've left anyone out (apologies to anyone I have missed). The point
is, there's a lot of dormant musical talent on AMC...perhaps they should
do a version of GH's famous, much-missed "Nurse's Ball."
Aw, hell, GH should just go back to doing its "Nurse's Ball." Luke's
ballroom dancing yesterday, both with and without Skye, reminded me how
splendidly Tony Geary moved while onstage at the Nurse's Ball, in any
number of styles (my favorite being "Midnight Train to Georgia," with the
incomparable Mary Mae Ward on lead vocals and the original Justus and
Lucky backing her up with Luke). A wonderful showcase for the underused
talent of Adrianne Leon as Brook Lynn. Solo, teamed up with Wally "Ned"
Kurth for a beautiful rendition of "Barefoot Ballet" or "You're The Only
One I Love," or something entirely different. I have always enjoyed her
singing on the show and am craving more (release a CD!). Let's not forget
Scott "Dillon" Clifton, whose off-duty singing appearances have drawn rave
reviews. (I'm very sad that I have to leave the GH Fanclub Weekend before
his event; I'm sure it's going to be great.) Stuart "Alan Q." Damon is a
proven singer. Other cast members have, in the past, delivered good
performances for the Nurse's Ball....let them have the opportunity to do
it again! The Balls were dropped due to budget constraints, or so TPTB
have claimed, but that happened during the "Port Charles" days, when the
daytime budget at ABC was said to be hemorrhaging. After all the talk
about making GH more "female-friendly," I challenge TPTB to really go for
it and resurrect the Nurse's Ball.

January 6, 2005
December 30, 2004
December 23, 2004
December 16 2004
December 8, 2004