on Soaps is pleased and proud to welcome former October 10, 2005 My personal theory as to why Erica really thought Kendall was gay – how can she be married to someone like Zach Slater for six months and the marriage is still in name only? During Erica’s conversation with Josh, I couldn’t figure out what was the most funny aspect. Was it that she thought her daughter was gay? Was it that she abhorred the idea of Greenlee as her love interest? Or was it that the description she gave of Greenlee’s warts so closely matched her own? Josh has spent months being slicker’n okra with everyone, so when it comes time to put the moves on Kendall, he acts like he is in 7th grade? “Check the box next to Yes if you like me.” I guess he had to be obviously stupid about it, so that Kendall could see through it and find out what was really going on. The scene where Erica was talking about lesbianism, while Greenlee thought she was talking about surrogacy, was well scripted and well played. Kendall and Greenlee putting on Erica was hilarious, and she was a good sport about it. But! Kudos to her for refusing to back off. I’m glad Kendall finally told her mother. Erica pisses me off a lot, but I love it when she goes in mama bear mode. I love it even more when she is mama bear for Kendall. She really went to bat this week, voicing in more vociferous detail the same concerns that Zach had about the surrogacy. Since she didn’t want to stress Kendall out, poor Greg bore the brunt of her wrath. And for once the dour doctor gave it right back. It is plain to see that Greg Madden is filled with as much self-righteousness as Erica. In fact, I had to laugh when Erica realized how full of himself he is. Actually, his attitude is more reminiscent of David Hayward. I can see the conversation between the two doctors. David: I SAVE lives! Greg: I CREATE lives! Seriously though, have these two met? I don’t remember. I want to see David get involved in the surrogacy story again. After the lightbulb went off in his head about what Greenlee and Kendall were up to, he disappeared. David really needs to get his license back. When he decides to reveal Di’s secret, he would be smart to follow Krystal’s example and have Adam wave his magic wand to make David a doctor again. He could go back to the clinic, because you can be darn sure that Joe won’t hire him at the hospital. Then Julia can go work in the clinic as a nurse because she wants to help those less fortunate (insert glowing halo). David’s egomania and Julia’s Santos Sanctimony could be an interesting mix. At least do a chemistry test. I have a feeling she would be a lot less wooden in a better story. Or at least in a story where the point is to soften her hard edges. On Friday, Julia wasn’t as wooden when she was talking to Di about taking out Garrett. Now how strange does that sound? She becomes animated when contemplating murder. The voyeuristic feeling continues with Zach and Kendall. I felt like I had tapped into the phone line and was interrupting something intimate. They were mostly exchanging pleasantries and yet it was almost like I was listening to phone sex. These two are driving me nuts. Kendall tells Zach she wants to give him something. Zach tells her “Why don’t you whisper it to me?” Like the fortune cookie joke, I silently added “in bed!” Kendall goes up to him and gets close enough to actually whispers in his ear. And instead of saying “I want to give you the most incredible night of your life,” she rehashes the same conversation they’ve had umpteenth times. That’s my insecure Kendall – I want to throttle the life out of her. But seriously, it is very telling that instead of hopping into bed with him, she is holding back. And I don’t think its because she’s following Greenlee’s orders. Poor Zach. Everywhere he turns, people are trying to psychoanalyze him. I can’t blame them, really. It’s one of my favorite pastimes. *donning Freud glasses and Austrian accent* So tell me, Zach, is it true what Anita says? Do you like to rescue damsels in distress? Does this perhaps go back to your mother, who was yet another victim of your father’s ruthlessness and greed? Why is it, when a woman peels away one of your layers, it makes you uncomfortable? Is it because you were yourself with this woman, Maria, and she ultimately rejected you? Why are you also uncomfortable with the idea that others might see you as a good person? Do you not think you are good? Are you afraid that if others exhibit higher expectations of you, you might fail them? Does this go back to why you faked your death, because you couldn’t possibly live up to the expectations of your father? You knew that your father’s demands of you were unrealistic and corrupt. Yet, even when someone expects no more of you than what you already are, you still hide behind a mask of sarcasm and indifference. See? I could go on and on. Interesting that Zach was willing to share information, even if Tad and Mimi weren’t. Tad and Zach working together! Somehow this excites me. Maybe I’m a closet Zad fan. Or maybe I want one, dammit, just one of the cocks of the walk to finally acknowledge that Zach is one of the good guys. I can’t see Zach being pals with anyone – at least, no one on the canvas. But it would be nice if a few less people didn’t see him as a menace to society. I thought it was interesting that Jonathan was thinking about Lily. I wonder how she will react to New and Improved Jonathan? On the one hand, she has witnessed him doing horrible things. On the other hand, her brain thinks logically. If she is told that it was a brain tumor and he is all better, will she take it at face value? Or, like most people, will she still have the residual fear – and still want to avoid him? I have to love Erin sometimes. She is on the “Ryan is good” bandwagon, but she still cracks me up with her “Are ya gonna hit me?” routine. Even though she is on his side, she still points out that he is being a jackass. Friday was the first time that I actually heard Greenlee indicate that Ryan deliberately drove himself off the cliff. I always wondered whether she thought it was an accident or suicide. While listening to Greenlee, I was glad to see Ryan conveying some emotions that didn’t involve his usual ticks. But it isn’t enough. I want him to feel like the biggest turd on the face of the planet and acknowledge his turdness to Greenlee, Kendall, and Zach, followed by a Grand Turd Apology Ceremony to the rest of the town. Then it will be okay to get back together with Greenlee. And I don’t want to hear any announcements about Rebecca Budig that doesn’t include the words “will renew contract.” I’m not listening! La la la! La la la! I was breaking out the violins on Friday for Josh. Its always annoying when people lecture other people about the way things should be based on their personal experience. Actually, the people he should have been lecturing were Greenlee and Kendall. They’re the ones who will be putting little Rylette up on a pedestal. This may be an unpopular opinion, but I liked the other Josh better. I still haven’t seen the “storyline reasons” where this Josh is somehow better than the other Josh. This guy seems too stiff. Put him in a scene with Julia, and I might as well be playing with Barbie and Ken dolls. The Carey/Chandler scenes – every one of them – are just a gold mine of snarks. And the scenes between JR and Babe just keep getting better. See, it’s already happening to Babe. She feels sorry for him already. Or is that supposed to showcase her tender heart towards anyone suffering? JR made a good point to Babe. Why didn’t Di write to him? Babe pointed out that Di wouldn’t have wanted JR to go after the bad guy, but the letter didn’t have to be a “name names” type of letter. Amanda really needs to get some self-respect, and quick. Jamie treats her like dirt. He and Maggie had a no-strings relationship, and he treated her with dignity. Like Amanda, Maggie was also a bundle of insecurities - but she carried herself much better. Amanda reeks of desperation. But still, that doesn’t really excuse Jamie’s behavior. Aidan doesn’t like her any more than Jamie does, but his attitude is one of exasperation. Jamie acts like Amanda is a bird dropping in the center of his windshield. It’s disgusting how he’s slamming her one minute and banging her the next. We got an Opal scene! She is such a hoot. Apparently her cards are still tapped into the supernatural, because she certainly had it right about the newlywed. She should be the one that everyone turns to when there is a problem – things would get resolved more quickly. Thanks for
reading. Cheers! |
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