Not much to report here. The inevitable capture of Jamie and Babe took
place and all have returned to PV to their respective jail cells.
But...wherever did Liza and Colby go?
Thought it was interesting that the Llanview D.A.'s last name is Coulson...hmm...any
relation to lady lawyer Leslie Coulson, the wack job lawyer who had the
hots for Tad? David helped her nefarious seduction plan by spiking the
punch on the Incredible Dreams yacht, remember? And now this D.A. Coulson
is offering David a deal if he rolls over on Jamie Martin. Do I smell a
connection here?
Even though it brings back bad memories of abuse suffered by my mother (at
a time when no one, especially the police, would step in and no support
groups existed), I think the Maggie/Jonathan story is being done well.
When someone regarded as a smart, savvy woman (a med student, no less) can
be taken in by a manipulating, vicious sociopath (that would be Johnathan),
it generally surprises people. It shouldn't. Sociopaths do that. The
writers have done their research well and I think some good can come out
of this storyline, especially if it encourages any of the scared victims
of domestic violence to ask for help. That's one of the hardest steps,
akin to an alcoholic admitting that he or she has a problem and taking
steps to do something about it. Kudos to AMC for tackling this issue,
actors and writers both.
I'm looking forward to what should be some classic Erica wrath. Her hisses
at David are just a warm-up for La Kane, and I can't wait for her to
erupt. And how about a classic catfight with Krystal? A la Dynasty? How
appropriate would THAT be? Bring it on!
Some recent correspondence with a reader regarding the Nurses' Ball made
me realize how much I miss Lucy Coe. Since it appears we'll be losing
Faith, wouldn't it be nice to have a witty, wise-cracking and smart female
character over 35 who could more than hold her own with any of the men on
the show? Actress Lynn Herring, the one and only Lucy, has reportedly been
enjoying life on the ranch with husband Wayne Northrop and their sons
since the cancellation of "Port Charles." If ABC really wants to make
female viewers happy, here's one of the ways to do it. (Plus, of course,
she could host the Ball again! I'd almost be content if she'd agree to do
that on a yearly basis in lieu of a real return to the show. You could
tell how personally involved she was in the Balls, how the real-life
stories of AIDS sufferers moved and affected her.) From the moment that
mousy little librarian stripped down to her unmentionables and awaited her
secret lover, Terry Brock's fiance (evil Kevin O'Connor), I was hooked.
Lucy morphed from bad to good through the years, but remained a schemer
and an enchanting one at that. From low comedy to high drama, she did it
all. She had chemistry with every single person she teamed up with: Luke,
Scotty, Edward, Mac, Felicia, Tony, Alan, and, of course, "Mother
Quartermaine." Pit her against Tracy and look out! Have her buy into L&B
Records and let the cat fights with Lois begin! Take over Faith's share of
the waterfront and butt heads with Sonny, Jason and Lorenzo (though I
wouldn't really care for that story). She could stand up to Helena and end
up with the Cassadine empire. There's nothing that character couldn't do.
How about it, ABC?

January 20, 2005
January 13, 2005
January 6, 2005
December 30, 2004
December 23, 2004
December 16 2004
December 8, 2004