The Court Cards. 


            The court cards in your Tarot deck are able to fulfill a number of functions. One of the first things that you will do if you are going to perform a detailed reading for another person is to select a significator. This is the card that will represent the client in the reading. This helps provide a more personal identity for the cards to relate to the client and also helps both the novice reader and the client to direct their attention to the personality and essence of the client that will permeate the cards. There are a number of methods that professional readers employ to select the appropriate card, ranging from physical appearance in comparison with the court cards to astrological influences.  Some readers prefer to use a Major Arcana card to represent the client; others prefer to use a court card.  In general, I have found the most reliable method of choosing the significator card is to let the client themselves choose the card. I extract all four of the appropriate court cards (Pages for a youngster, Knights for a young man, Queens for a woman of any age and Kings for a more mature man), put them on the table in front of the client and ask them to select the card that seems to draw them most. Some clients are immediately drawn to a particular card, while others have difficulty choosing, often reflecting two separate sides of their personality. If this happens, I will first remove the cards that do not particularly appeal to them, usually then reducing the selection to two cards. Almost always, there will ultimately be one card that pulls them back again and again. I encourage them to not only look at the person depicted in the card, but to study the background, what the figure is holding, the expression on the figure's face, their stance, etc.

            Once the selection is made, this card remains separate from the deck while the client shuffles and infiltrates the cards. The remaining court cards are returned to the deck to fulfill their purpose of representing people or situations within the reading itself.

            A frequent use for court cards within the structure of the reading itself is to represent people in the life of the client. This can become complicated when a reader gets hung up on the physical appearance that the card represents. (A woman with dark eyes, a fair man, etc.) If physical descriptions are needed, I recommend using the hair and skin coloring depicted by the deck you are using for the reading, as many Tarot books will differ widely on which suit relates to which physical description. Often, it is easier to stick to personality descriptions represented by each suit, as they tend to remain a little more constant, based on the personality of the suit itself. Also to be considered are the words that are used. A "dark" woman may not have dark hair and skin. She may be a blonde, fair skinned woman who carries an air of darkness and moodiness about her. A man who is described as "light" may be a brunette who is very airy and carefree. Think of what you are picturing in your mind as you read about this person. Trust your instinct. Do not become insecure or

rattled if the client cannot identify the person you are describing immediately. Most people are a little nervous and anticipatory when receiving a Tarot reading and may not be considering all the possibilities fully. Often, I have had a client say that they recognized who the person must be as soon as they got to their car or woke up from a sound sleep knowing who the cards were referring to. Be confident in what you feel and see.

            Court cards, especially when appearing in the #7 position of the Celtic Cross spread, may represent a newly emerging aspect of the client's own personality as a result of activities and influences at play in their life at the time of the reading. A woman who is the perfect representation of the Queen of Cups may emerge into the personality of the Queen of Swords after a nasty divorce or the Queen of Pentacles after beginning a new line of employment. A growth lessons may pull a less mature Knight of Pentacles into a King of Pentacles. Also to be remembered both when selecting a significator and when identifying a court card that appears in a reading, the various court cards, upright and reversed, can be representative of a an aspect of a person's personality that manifests in particular situations. For instance, I normally consider myself to be a Queen of Cups, but a bad day can turn me into a reversed Queen of Cups or a wicked case of PMS might push me even as far be taking on the attributes of the reversed Queen of Swords. Consider all the possibilities when making identifications. If choosing a significator for yourself, always assess who you feel like that day. If you feel warm, loving, and all nurturing, perhaps you are the Empress. If you are feeling a bit alone and saddened, maybe the Queen of Swords best reflects who you are today.

            In addition to identification, these cards may also represent specific situations in a client's life that can be quite significant. These are relevant to the class of card and as well as the suit. Do not be confused as to whether the court card represents a person or a situation. The court cards are quite flexible and can actually represent both at once. The standing of this card will become more apparent as the reading progresses. 

Meet the Court Cards...

The Pages:   

            In addition to representing, overall, young children into their teens, the pages are messengers. They represent information coming through, When someone is "paged", it means their attention is required to a particular matter. When a page appears in a spread, it can be a blinking light that says "We have a message for you, please open." If the information is not fully explained within the reading you have spread at that time, pick up the page from the reading, place it over the covering card and significator of the previous reading and have the client shuffle the remaining cards while concentrating on the question "What is the message that the page brings?" Lay a complete spread over top of the previous spread and read the entire new spread as new information pertaining to the situation. The suit in which the page appears bring a specific type of information, which is detailed in the section Interpretation of Court Cards. If more than one page appears in a spread, this is indeed a time of relevant learning and each page should be opened one at a time in the order in which they appear in the spread. 

**Note: Pages reversed will almost always indicate a situation rather than a person. 

Page of Wands:    This little guy is a welcome sight in any reading because he invariably brings as his message good news. He often represents that you are coming out of a difficult situation, which is always good to hear. This card can represent actually communication of good news by way of a letter, visit or phone call that will change many things or pull you out of a difficult predicament. He can also represent an energetic child of either sex who is of concern to you.

 Page of Wands Reversed:  You may be stuck in a difficult situation and see no way out. hang in there. Help is on the way. Do not let another person control or upset you. 

Page of Cups:   The Page of Cups represent new and innovative ideas popping up from everywhere. Often, these are advantageous thoughts or suggestions that you may not have considered before that come from the cards, yourself or another person. This card may also denote a young person who is very loving, very emotional and perhaps very prone to having his/her feelings easily hurt. 

Page of Cups Reversed:  Others may be presenting thoughts or ideas that do not interest you, even though they may be beneficial. It may be wise to consider these carefully before discarding them or you may miss out an a very advantageous venture. This card in reverse could also mean that you are lacking in ideas or motivation and are feeling bored and listless. 

Page of Swords:  When the Page of Swords appears in a reading, he brings information that will change things very quickly. Immediate action is required if you are to take full advantage of the message that is coming. This card can also represent a child in your life who is very impulsive and absolute in his actions. 

Page of Swords Reversed:  Reversed, the Page of Swords means that you may be failing to take full advantage of the situation and a very beneficial opportunity is about to pass you by, Open your eyes to the possibilities and go for it. 

Page of Pentacles:    The Page of Pentacles is the card of the student, of learning or studying. When he appears in a spread, it usually means that you are about to embark upon a course of study, either in the literal sense through scholastics or as a student of life. The message that he brings is to be studied and considered carefully, rather than the eager rushing in that the Page of Swords would recommend. This one needs to be mulled over to obtain full advantage, his card can also represent a quiet, studious, thoughtful child who is in your life.                              

The Page of Pentacles Reversed:  When this card appears reversed, it indicates that action without thought would be dangerous at this time. Slow down and pay careful attention to details at this time or errors could cost you dearly.

The Knights 

            During the course of our lives, many lessons are learned and with the successful completion of these lessons come different "level changes", meaning movement or advancement to a new level of awareness, existence or action required. The knights, in addition to representing young men or even women, are the harbingers of these level changes. They warn you or acknowledge that the new level is about to commence, which is particularly helpful because the level changes invariably bring with them new lessons and challenges. The knight can identify what type of level change is being initiated or what action is required based on the suit in which it appears. 

            If further information is desired about the level change, follow the same procedure as when opening a page: Remove the knight from the spread, using the knight as the significator lay a new spread over the previous one. While shuffling the cards, the client concentrates on the question "What is the level change that the knight brings?"  As before, if more than one knight is present, the knights are opened one at a time, in the order in which they appear in the spread. If this is the case, the client is going through quite a period of learning and changing and is to be commended for the lessons they are taking. 

            Note: If the page or knight appears in the spread in the reversed position,  the card still may be opened, but the indications are, in either case, that the  information to be received or the level change to commence is not one to which  the client will be particularly receptive. Often, this represents a situation  or information that the client has known for some time is coming, but is  unwilling to look at or accept. While assuring your client that this is not  going to be information about someone's death, and is usually a part of the "self" that should be explored, ask your client if they wish to investigate the  situation further. If they are unwilling to look into the situation further,  it should be their choice to decline, not yours, as the reader, to persist.

            Sometimes, it can be difficult deciding whether to choose a knight or a king to  be the significator of a male. I have known many men who were young by  chronological age who possessed the maturity to be regarded as a king and many  older men who were more impulsive like the knights. The best way to handle  this situation is to trust your own instincts and select the category  accordingly. 

Knight of Wands:  The Knight of Wands indicates a level change in the energy department. You may shift the focus of your energy application from one area of your life to another or may experience a surge or cut back in your energy level. A change in your working environment could also be indicated, in the form of a new job opportunity or moving into another line of work altogether. The Knight of Wands can also represent a young man or woman who is very unpredictable to others, although he understands (or believes he does) what he is doing at all times. He may present a situation that calls for decisions is your life. 

The Knight of Pentacles Reversed:  Frustration and confusion can reign when this card appears in the reversed position. A difficult working environment may exist or a complicated problem in a relationship.  Often this centers around an aspect of one’s personality (yours or that of another) which brings conflict into a work or romantic situation. When this card appears, always investigate the situation to see how jealousy or envy may be influencing the actions of you or someone else. 

Knight Of Cups:  This knight brings changes on an emotional level. This can be positive or negative and the card needs to be opened if further information is not gleaned from the surrounding cards. Your feelings about a person or situation may undergo a radical adjustment when this card turns up.  If it presents in the #8 position of the Celtic Cross, it may mean that another person's feelings are changing. This usually involves a relationship or situation that you feel very deeply about one way or another. On a personal level, this knight could represent a young man who is deeply emotional and will usually let his heart rule his head. He usually has an artistic flair through music, poetry, drawing or painting. He is deeply feeling and may bring interesting invitations. 

Knight of Cups Reversed:  Reversed, this knight can represent problems with an emotional situation. It is possible that you are in way over your head emotionally and need to find a way out of a stifling situation. Someone may be putting pressure on you to commit to a relationship or situation that you do not yet feel ready to pursue. It is possible that you are not getting the full story or are in some way being deceived. Check everything carefully before proceeding. This card can represent the "love is blind" stereotype. A complete and objective review of the person or situation may be required. It may be wise to ask an outside party's advise as you may be too close to the situation to present an accurate appraisal. 

Knight of Swords:   The Knight of Swords heralds changes that carry with them a sense of urgency and impulsiveness. Usually, there will be a cyclone of events that bring forth a change very quickly. This change may begin with a rash or impulsive decision or may be a brought about by a situation completely out of your hands that takes place swiftly. This card lends an air of immediacy to the cards surrounding it. If this card represents a person, he will usually be very impulsive and quick to act or react. He tends to rush in without lending much thought to the possible result of his actions. He is very defensive of those he loves. 

Knight of Swords Reversed:   When reversed, the urgency of this card takes on a grim aspect. Whatever you are doing, stop and think about it. It appears that you or someone close to you is acting too impulsively and everyone involved may end up in a difficult jam because of these actions or words. Slow down and evaluated appropriate action a little more carefully. You need to be more patient and less forceful to make your point or achieve your goal. It is not yet the time for action. 

Knight of Pentacles:  This card is a little different in its level change interpretation. While it sometimes will follow the obvious meaning of a change in finances or work, it most often shows up when the client is or will be going through a level change that he is not aware that he needs. Sometime we throw our hands in the air in exasperation and wail, "Why is all of this happening to me?" This is the card for that time. It says that, in time, you will understand why things have happened as they have and be grateful for the changes that resulted from this difficult and shifting time. Although it seems odd for a Karma card to show up in the court cards, so it has and it is a welcome respite when faced with a confusing and difficult set of circumstances. It serves to remind you that The Universe knows what it is doing and why you will soon see the rhyme and reason behind the insanity. Opening this card may yield more information as to why things are happening as they are. Expect a number of Major Arcana cards to show up when you open this knight. As a person, this card represents a young man who is thoughtful and creative. He is very earth oriented and has a natural love for animals and creatures smaller than himself. He is a very good worker and can apply himself well to the situation at hand, Remember, he is the Page of Pentacles, the dutiful scholar, with a little more experience behind him. 

Knight of Pentacles Reversed:   Reversed, this card can tell you that things appear to be in a rut. It's sort of the Hanged Man's little brother as the cards go. The changes that you need are not yet coming into being and you seem to be getting knocked around quite a bit. You may be feeling dissatisfied and unwilling to allow these changes to take place. Think about it this way: Anything is better than what you're going through now and a change is definitely in order. Don't fall into the "The devil you know is better than the one you don't know" quagmire. Free yourself and initiate the changes you know you need. You don't have to be afraid any more.


            The queens and the kings, unlike the pages and knights, are more refined and defined and when they are in their upright positions, they tend to represent actual people or personality traits in a reading. Remember, they may be representing an aspect of the client's personality that is currently emerging or developing.  In their reversed positions, they may represent either a person or the  atmosphere around the client. 

Queen of Wands:   The most married queen. This queen is usually completely dedicated to a person, situation or ideal. The beauty of this queen is that she is able to maintain this loyalty without losing any of herself in the commitment. This is a woman who is pleased and happy to be devoted to her husband, content to throw herself into a career or who does not feel "put upon" in devoting her time to a worthy cause. She is usually quiet patient and has a glowing, attractive personality that draws people to her. Often people who would not otherwise do so feel compelled to share their problems with her and she will likely have a number of wise solutions ready by the time the story is told. 

Queen of Wands Reversed:  The reversed Queen of Wands can indicate unfaithfulness or lack of dedication, You may be promising something that you are unable to fulfill or may be experiencing difficulty keeping a solemn promise or marriage vow. This could may be regarding someone around you as opposed to yourself. This can also be an overly assertive or domineering woman who insists on having things her way. She can be narrow-minded and uncompromising. Don't be railroaded by her. 

Queen of Cups:    The Queen of Cups is thoughtful, emotional and keenly psychic. Where the Queen of Wands is perceptive into personal motivations and correct action, the Queen of Cups is able to see ahead and be acutely in tune with her perceptions. She trusts her instincts and is usually connected with metaphysics in some way, In a reading, this card may represent the client's exploration into the metaphysical field and the beginning of psychic development, especially if the Moon card is nearby. 

The Queen of Cups Reversed:  Everything goes overboard when this card is reversed. This may be representative of a person who is TOO wrapped up in the emotional side of life.  Every reaction is overly emotional and she may be using her heart to the complete exclusion of her head. She may not be trustworthy to confide in because she doesn't always think before site speaks. She lacks the wisdom to  properly interpret her visions and psychic impulses and tends to flavor what she sees with her own biased views. Go elsewhere for help. You won't get the full story here. This could also indicate a person so wrapped up in metaphysics that there is no room for the mundane world. Remember, even the most spiritual person in the world needs nourishment and care of the body.  Don't get so far lost on the astral plane that you forget the importance of the earthly plane. You are, after all, still incarnate. 

Queen of Swords:   This queen can appear quite formidable. She is usually on her own with this card and the 9 of pentacles representing women who are isolated from others. This woman has an invisible space around her that usually does not invite intrusion. What few realize is that this self-imposed isolation is often the result of the prolonged struggles this queen has endured. She has learned many lessons in life and while she tends to keep to herself, she is wrought with wisdom and is not afraid to share it with you if you are a worthy soul. Woe to those who ask her advice and do not listen carefully and take her seriously! The key phrase to this woman is, "Don't ask if you don't want to know." She is not afraid to tell it like it is, even if your delicate feelings might be hurt in the process. 

Queen of Swords Reversed:  When reversed, this card tends to represent the worst that could come from a woman who is a self-imposed isolate. She is can be bitter and domineering and often meddles in other people's lives, dispensing "wisdom" whether it is desired or not. She lashes out at the world in anger, often unmindful of who falls victim to her wrath. You should not bear credence to this woman's words or scorn. You will not please her no matter what you do. 

Queen of Pentacles:  This woman is earthy, generous and wise to a fault. She is more approachable than the Queen of Swords, though she may not be as dynamic as the Queen of Wands nor as spiritual as the Queen of Cups. She likes to work with her hands and can most often be found either tending her garden or running a corporation. She is industrious and garners respect from others, accepting praise with a quite and modest smile. She can juggle the needs of a family and career with little trauma and much reward. 

Queen of Pentacles Reversed:   This woman finds it difficult to keep even the most simple tasks running smoothly. She is scattered and disorganized and there appears to be no method to her madness...ever. She always feels overworked, underpaid and unappreciated. She is her own worst enemy. The fatal flaw in her personality is laziness. She is undependable and will push off her responsibilities onto others whenever possible. She is a complete ditz.


            The kings tend to represent mature men who have found their place in life and appear comfortable in their own skin. They have evolved from knighthood into their own right and are very much in control, although the form this control takes may vary with the suit. They, as the Queens, usually represent a specific person in the client's life or a personality trait when in the upright position.  Reversed, they represent either a person or the atmosphere around the client. 

King of Wands:   The King of Wands is very firm, very just and very centered. It may take him a while to decide upon a set course, but once he does, he will be very dedicated to its pursuit. He is very thorough and decisive. He is an excellent leader and is often found in positions of authority. He is strong and reliable, faithful to the extreme. 

King of Wands Reversed:   When this card is reversed, the firmness in this man's personality can become tyranny. He tends to be a bully and rule with an iron fist. He will never back down or admit that he is wrong, even when presented with absolute proof.  He rules by humiliation and bullheaded aggression. Steer clear when you can, but if confronted with this person, make sure all of your ducks are in a row and your facts are straight.  Don’t be afraid to go over his head if necessary. If that is impossible, you may need to withdraw from the conflict immediately. You will not change his mind. 

King of Cups:  This man is kind and gentle, usually sympathetic to any intelligent point of view. Because of his very empathic nature, he tends to be found in careers involving counseling, such as a social worker, guidance counselor, psychologist, physician or clergy. He is able to give wise, unbiased counsel to just about anyone. He is very trustworthy and insightful. He shares the Queen of Cup's psychic abilities and applies them to his work, possibly without even realizing that he does. 

King of Cups Reversed:   This man is not all that he appears to be. Be cautious when dealing with him. He will seldom present a true story and will play word games and turn a person's words against them on a dime. He is the master of double-dealing and schemes. This man will seek out a person's most vulnerable emotion, often with a friendly guise, and then use that weakness against them. He is a cad and a user...a con man. 

King of Swords:  This man is very authoritarian and often very quiet. He thinks things through very carefully before committing himself and often will literally pause when asked a question or solicited to comment on a situation. He is quite wise and very steadfast. He is often found in "protective" careers such as the military or the legal/judicial field. He is most reliable. 

King of Swords Reversed:  Reversed, this man is similar to the King of Wands, but more to the extreme. Imagine the drill sergeant who also insists on keeping his family quite regimented. He is an absolute control freak and insists on everything being his way. He will overrun and bully the weakest, living by the law of the Jungle. He is exceptionally stern and forbidding. He tends to be unfair in his decisions and may even reach the point of cruelty and abusiveness in his relationships. The reversed King of Swords is also frequently associated with alcoholism, substance abuse and domestic violence, especially when the reversed 9 of cups is nearby. Stay away from this man whenever possible.  

King of Pentacles:  The King of Pentacles is the ultimate businessman. He has the determination of the King of Wands the insight of the King of Cups and the firmness (but only when needed) of the King of Swords. He is usually found in any legitimate profession that will make him wealthy. The beauty of this King is that he fails to realize that he is wealthy. He enjoys the comforts of his status, but is seemingly unaffected by his position in life. There is no superior attitude or domination here. He is friendly and likable, very down-to-earth. He often has investments in several areas and is very shrewd in his business dealings. He is drawn to mathematics and corporate business. He is one who never forgets how he got to where he is.   He will make a near obsessive attempt to repay any debt incurred and will go out of his way to help those less fortunate than himself. He will, however, become quite riled when he feels he is being taken advantage of or duped. He does not allow this behavior in himself and expects others to do the same. 

King of Pentacles Reversed:   Dumb, dumb, DUMB. This man has the intelligence of a box of rocks, or more likely, A rock. He can be led into any half-baked adventure blindly. He never has an original thought and if he gets anywhere in life, it will either be by accident or on the coattails of others. He talks incessantly, always displaying his ignorance for all to see and having no inkling that he is doing so. He considers himself an authority on EVERYTHING and is so vague you can insult him drolly right to his face and he will never know. What an idiot. His only purpose in life is to make the rest of us feel superior. 


            è  The significator may be chosen from the Court Cards or the Major Arcana cards. 

            è To guide you in physical descriptions of the court cards, look at the pictures on the deck you are using for the reading. 

            è Pages and knights may represent people or situations. The pages can ndicate "messages" from the higher self and may be opened, as described in their section, for further information on the message. Knights can indicate a level change or learning experience that the client is going through. They can  be opened, like the pages, to further explore the level change or lesson. 

            è If pages represent people, they are children of either sex. 

            è If knights represent people, they are adolescents and younger adults of either sex, or an older person who has not yet evolved to the level of queen or king. 

            è Pages in the reversed position usually represent situations or messages rather than people. 

            è Queens and Kings usually represent people or personality traits. 

            è Queens and Kings reversed usually amplify the worst aspects of the upright position or reverse the positive traits of the upright card's personality, 

            è The family court of Wands tends to be attractive, decisive, warm and faithful.  

            è The family court of Cups tends to be emotional, empathic, psychic and loving. 

            è The family court of Swords tends to be impulsive in the page and knight stage,  and a bit formidable and reclusive, though quite wise, in the queen and king  stage.





3 of Cups from the Robin Wood Tarot.The










