3 of Cups from the Robin Wood Tarot.The Minor Arcana. 

            Once upon a time, when wise men of the king's court sought the keys to the esoteric world of THE ORACLE, the Tarot is believed to have only consisted of the Minor Arcana. These 22 cards dealt with the soul's progress and development through each life and were considered to be the only ones needed.

            As life became more complicated, the Minor Arcana was added to portray the more mundane side of life.  The Earth's people had begun to apply more emphasis and worry to their everyday life and the Tarot reflects that. In our time, the Minor Arcana has become a necessity in readings that do not solely involve the spiritual aspect of path working.  The Minor Arcana also allows us to see how the mundane aspects of our lives affect us on a spiritual level.   Pay particular attention the way the Minor Arcana Cards in a spread are affected by the Major Arcana Cards that fall around them. 

So without further ado... 

Ace of Wands:  The beginning of new things. Infancy. A new bud emerging to blossom. This could indicate a new job, a new home or a new way of life. This card frequently surfaces to represents birth, either of a child, a plan or a lifestyle. Someone may present you with a new and exciting idea, plan or project. This is the time to say YES! 

Ace of Wands Reversed:  Whoops! What looked like it was going to be a sure thing sort of petered out. The Ace of Wands reversed tells us that a project is not going as swimmingly as expected. It may have taken off like gangbusters, but it will fast run out of steam and should be discarded. Perhaps you do not have the support you need to boost this idea or maybe the time simply isn't right. Regardless, it would be foolish to continue putting energy into this situation. 

Two of Wands:  Master of all he surveys. This card usually shows a man standing on a tower or castle, looking out over a great expanse, holding the world in his hand. The Two of Wands tells us that partnerships will be very effective on the business front. It is representative of negotiations and solid ideas flowing between two partners. Success in all things involving business or money is assured. If you are looking for financial advice of backing for a project, you will receive it. In any case, help is on the way. 

The Two of Wands Reversed:  Be careful. The mutual partnership described in the upright position has gone sour. Someone may be out to take advantage of you. A partnership is not advisable at this time. Best to keep things to yourself for a while longer. Read all documents and contracts very carefully before signing and make certain you are dealing with the right person before making any commitments. Ensure that everything is spelled out to the letter in black and white. Your words could be used against you later. Careful planning is essential at this time. Cover your backside any way you can. 

Three of Wands :  This is one of the interesting cards in the Tarot that can have two very distinct meanings depending on how you perceive the picture on the card. In most decks, a man stands looking off to sea (very similar to the 2 of Wands, in fact), watching boats on the water. Now for the big question. Are the boats coming into the harbor or leaving the land? This card map be read as someone "waiting for their ship to come in" and finally seeing it on the horizon or as someone who has done their job well and have sent the laden ships off on their journey to prosperous business ventures. Both are encouraging interpretations. This card, either way, indicates that business ventures will be prosperous. You will be rewarded for the patient planning and correct use of skills cultivated with the 2 of wands. You have performed well and now you can sit back and wait for the proceeds to pour in. 

Three of Wands Reversed:  Be careful! Have you checked everything? Now is not the time to blow off the safety inspections. Make certain that everything is in order and there is no room for error. Being too prideful or egotistic at this time could result in failure. If this project goes down, guess who is going to get blamed?  You! 

Four of Wands:  There.  At last the seeds planted in the 2 and 3 have come into manifestation.  You are being present with cause for great celebration and happiness. The harvest is in. There is joy and an overwhelming sense of relief in the home after having patiently waited through the lean times. A peaceful and relaxed atmosphere prevails. Financial security has come and contentment reigns in the home. 

Four of Wands Reversed:  This is such a good card that even reversed, it still brings happiness. There is joy and contentment, but look for strings that may be attached. Still, the happiness is evident, but it may be more short lived than when in the upright position. This card can be best described as "a nice weekend" You can party and smile and relax for now, but on Monday it's back to the grindstone. 

Five of Wands:  This card is usually showing a group of young men who are engaged in what can range from friendly competition to outright battle. Perhaps everyone had just a tad bit too much celebration in the 4 of wands and now tempers are a little frayed. Maybe someone began to wonder who was going to clean up the mess from the party. This card represents agitation, irritation, and competition, basically a good round of one-upmanship. The energies around you at this time may be frustrating and tiresome. No one seems to want to co-operate and  everyone is getting on everyone else's nerves. If you want to be the arbitrator and try to put the situation into clear and logical order, you can try to do just that. If you aren't up for such a task, go to bed, pull the covers over your head and hide until the 6 of wands manifests. 

5 of Wands Reversed:  Harmony, co-operation and generosity are now at hand. People are working well together now and if there is friction, it is only friendly bantering and debating. Projects will be completed successfully with everyone working together. In fact, people may be friendly to the point of causing you to wonder what they're up to. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth, pardner. They really are just being nice. No strings are attached. Enjoy it while it lasts. 

Six of Wands:  The victory parade. You are going to hear that you have "won" in a particular situation. You have reason to be proud. You have worked hard and now you will receive the honor that is due to you. If you have not yet seen success, hang in there. It's just over the horizon. If you give up now, you'll be sorry. Kick into reserve fuel and go for the gusto. 

Six of Wands Reversed:  NOTHING seems to go right. Every direction you turn, you seem to run into a brick wall. The battle is going to be a little harder to win that when this card is upright, but by no means have you lost. You may need to reorganize plans or even find a different approach. Don't let a prideful attitude keep you from doing what you know you must do. You need to clear your head and let off some tension. Take a break from the situation and you will see it more clearly. 

Seven of Wands:  Although you are being attacked from all sides, you are more than capable of holding your own. You are in a strong position to defend your beliefs and no one can gain advantage over you unless you allow them to do so. You really do have the upper hand. Just make sure you have the stamina to keep up the pace and you will be successful. Handle one problem at a time. 

Seven of Wands Reversed:  You feel that your stamina is weakening and you can't take much more of this ongoing assault. Even though you are tired, you have the inner strength to see this problem through. Expect a second wind soon to keep you going. Remember the counsel of the upright 7 of wands: One problem at a time! You don't have to solve everything at once. Prioritize and knock the opposition out one by one. 

Eight of Wands:  Finally things are flowing smoothly.  Affairs are now moving in the correct direction by their own momentum and you can rest for a bit. You have done well and will be rewarded with satisfactory conclusions.  The arrows are on their way to the bullseye. 

Eight of Wands Reversed:  Things are not flowing as smoothly as they could be. There are still a few bumps in the road that need to be smoothed over, but you are not in as defensive of a situation as in the 7 of wands. Things need to remain very steady at this time. Changes should be gradual. This is not the time for emotional outbursts or trying to wield power. Gently mold the clay into what you want it to be. 

Nine of Wands:   Guarding the fort against enemies real and imagined. This card means that you  are back into a defensive position. This is a sticky area because your  insecurity may be unwarranted. But, as they say, just because you're paranoid  doesn't mean the monsters aren't after you. You are prepared for attack and,  if it comes, you will be successful in protecting your interests because of  your foresight. However, if the plot against you is imagined, you may be  wasting your energy. It's for you to decide to what degree you will remain on red alert. 

Nine of Wands Reversed:   In this case, it would be a good idea to keep your back to the wall. The paranoia that was evident in the upright position is definitely warranted in the reversed. Be certain that no one creeps up behind you and undermines your best laid plans. Do not allow yourself to be caught unprepared and      defenseless. Plan now for complications and be pleased if they don't occur. 

Ten of Wands:  You have been carrying a heavy load, physically or mentally, but now the end of the road is in sight. Soon you will be able to rest from your responsibilities  and have a break from tension. The question to ask, is how did you happen to get such a heavy burden in the first place? Did you bring it on yourself by biting off more than you could chew or allowing someone to take advantage of you? The completion of the ten shows that, if you choose, you are now free to  end this cycle of oppression and move on to the next lesson. If you are trying to martyr yourself,  just pick up that load and heft it onto your back where it was before. There will always be plenty of slackers who are more than willing to add a little more to the load if you let them. Get out from under now while you can or stop complaining about how heavy it is. 

The Ten of Wands Reversed:  Either you don't have your bundle tied correctly, or you're headed up the wrong road or you're carrying something you shouldn't be carrying in the first place.  Regardless, the sticks are slipping out all over the place and you're not getting to where you’re headed.  Time to evaluate. Are you sure this is your load to carry?  Can you rearrange this situation to make it easier if it is indeed something you must endure? Are you still going in the right direction?  Can you still see where you're headed or has the burden slipped over your eyes so that you can no longer focus on your destination? Visualize your goal, evaluate how many of the complications you are experiencing are real and how many are self-manifested, then shed the unnecessary weight. 

Ace of Cups:   As with all of the aces, the Ace of Cups brings new beginnings. Because cups are representative of love and emotion, this card ushers in a time of happiness, emotional fulfillment and L-O-V-E. It map be the start of a new love affair, a rekindling of an old love or feeling a rush of emotion for the people in your circle of family and friends. If you have been feeling emotionally out of whack, this card will bring you back into balance again. 

Ace of Cups Reversed:  When reversed, all the stuff in the cup, runs out of the cup. This card means that you are emotionally off balance. You are ignoring the love you should be tending to and putting too much emphasis on the wrong things in life. You  are a self-centered, egotistical, selfish pain in the butt (at least at this point in your life). You need to pull your head out of...the sand and pay attention to the needs of the people around you or you are going to lose them. 

Two of Cups:    This card is so sweet you may need an insulin injection after drawing it. Two people are working together in perfect love, harmony and co-operation. Their relationship is very karmic, meaning that they feel that they have known each other forever. This may not be a romantic involvement, but a very deep friendship instead. Either way, it is a joining and partnership that is well blessed and brings happiness to both parties. 

Two of Cups Reversed:  A relationship that was quite close is very off balance. There has been an insignificant tiff that has snow-balled into an out and out battle. It may be necessary to give the situation a great deal of thought before taking action to correct it. Both parties need to cool off and gain a perspective. Try seeing the other person's point of view instead of only your own. Perhaps you need to admit your part in this problem and share with the other person your desire to put things right. This relationship is too special to lose and you both know it. Stop being so obstinate, get together and work this out. 

Three of Cups:  The party card. This is a time for celebration. Something is definitely happening that will bring joy: A wedding, a baby, a promotion or other celebratory event.  If you haven't heard the news yet, something good is coming up.  This card may also indicate that you are surrounded by a strong support system of good and reliable friends and/or co-workers. 

Three of Cups Reversed:  Something that you anxiously awaited did not manifest. It may have seems like a sure thing, but fell through at the last minute. The situation may have turned around and what you thought would be a wonderful thing turned out, instead, to be disappointing. Stop brooding! This is not the time for self-pity. You need to regroup your energy, cut your losses and move on to the "next big thing". Don't let this setback break your stride or get you down. 

Four of Cups:   Poor, poor pitiful you. Is there anybody in the world who has things as badly as you do? This is the card of self-pity and poutiness. Pick up your lip,  kid or you’re gonna step on it.  This card shows someone with three full cups, another being presented by an ethereal hand from heaven and still this guy isn't happy. Finish up your pity party and get back into life again. This behavior isn't helping anybody. You are acting like a spoiled brat because you can't have your way. Boo Hoo. 

Four of Cups Reversed:   Now, that's better. You've brushed off your butt, wiped your tears and can see that there's a whole big world out there waiting for you. Look for exciting opportunities to come your way now that your vision is not blinded by the tears.  Be patient and count your blessings.  Be thankful for what you have and stop brooding over what you feel you have lost. 

Five of Cups:   Through the indulgent, self-pitying attitude of the 4 of cups, you have lost something that was very special to you. You cannot change the past, no matter how much you wish that you could. The words have been spoken, the actions have been taken and now you have to set about atoning for what was done.   Although you feel a great deal of turmoil, the situation is not as bad as you think. Still, work is going to need to be done to bring yourself back into balance. This card usually shows someone "crying over the spilt milk" from three overturned cups without seeing that there are two full cups behind him. TURN AROUND!  All is not lost. Think things through very carefully and see what you can do to right the situation. As with the lesson of the 4 of cups, be grateful for what you have and put energy into that.                          

The Five of Cups Reversed:  Thank goodness! A situation that you thought was a disaster turned out to be not half as bad as you expected. This could mean that what looked to be a curse was a blessing in disguise. An ending resulted in a wonderful beginning. Good news should be coming in that could change many things. Have courage!  The worst has passed. 

Six of Cups:   The nostalgia card. This card frequently appears when a person will be having contact with someone they have not heard from or been with in quite some time. This could be an actual visit or a phone call or letter. It represents going back to your roots, back home, in some way or other. It could also mean that other surrounding cards could be activated by something in the past. For example, someone you know from the past could bring you good news or help you get a job or a new home.  In some way, an influence from the past is felt. 

Six of Cups Reversed:  Reversed, this card means that you may be obsessed with the past. Things are ever changing and you cannot base your life on events and experiences from the past. It's time to come out yesterday and live for today. You cannot undo things already done, but you can face the future with a responsible and receptive attitude. If you are constantly looking over your shoulder at what's behind you, you are not going to see where you are going. 

Seven of Cups:   Talk about Let's Make a Deal! Opportunities are popping up all over, but some are good and some are not so great. The problem is, they may be concealed by a curtain so you can’t tell which is which. This is the card of the gambler.  It is best to narrow down your choices and use your own good judgment. Are you building castles in the sky? Go for the sure thing unless you feel especially lucky. 

The Seven of Cups Reversed:  Although you may be feeling a little insecure, you have made the right decision. This was not the best time to take a chance and by putting your money on a sure thing, you have protected your interests wisely. You will soon be given a sign that what you have done was both noble and correct action. 

Eight of Cups:  This card represents somewhat of the opposite of the previous card in that it counsels you to give up the assurances and niceties of your life and travel to the mountain to seek the truth. You have been so wrapped up in material and mundane concerns that you have become spiritually impoverished. This does not necessarily mean you should sell your microwave and  blaze a trail East to sit at the feet of the Dahli Lama. It can simply mean that you need to allow time in your life for quiet meditation, reconnecting with your inner self and rediscovering who YOU really are.  Rest from the tensions of life for even a few minutes a day and soon you will feel more relaxed and fulfilled. If you are experiencing dissatisfaction, it is because you are too wrapped up in the world. Stop saying you don't have the time and make the time for healing your spirit. It has taken quite a beating. 

Eight of Cups Reversed:  So you've decided to stay with your nose to the grindstone, killing off what's left of your spiritual self in pursuit of the almighty dollar and all it brings. Suit yourself. But like my ol' grandmammy used to say, an empty cup cannot quench anyone's thirst. Yes, you do have the time. Close your eyes, relax and find that wonderful person who is inside of you. Remember him/her? It's been a  long time, but they're in there somewhere and I'm sure you can find them. REST, you fool, REST! 

Nine of Cups:    Surprise! You are going to get your wish! Everything is going to work out beautifully. Joy, happiness and good health are yours.  Whatever you were hoping for is coming your way. 

Nine of Cups Reversed:  Weird stuff. Either your wish is not to be granted at this time or you'll get it in a way you don't expect or want. Be careful what you wish for! You just might get it. Could also indicate poor health. Take better care of yourself. 

Ten of Cups:   Joy, happiness, emotional fulfillment, a happy conclusion. The loving, cuddly family is suggested here. You are finally able to experience the happiness you have waited for so long and worked so hard to achieve. Don't let this joyful time make you paranoid that it will be taken away. Accept the harmonious flow of energy coming into your life at this time. You deserve it. 

Ten of Cups Reversed:   Sadness and disappointment are around you at this time. This could indicate  unrest or disharmony in the family or those around you. Someone is feeling  abused and unhappy. Make amends if you can, but this may well be a situation  where only time can heal the wounds. 

Ace of Swords:   Excaliber! The sword that slices through good and evil, truth and lies. Stop  being depressed! You are well able to "cut" through this situation and use  your influence to win the day. Put your plans into action and expect no less  than success. Your vision is clear and the information you have is correct.  Press on! 

Ace of Swords Reversed:  Go easy. Utilizing too much force or pressure at this time would not be wise.  It would seem that you are trying to use a sword to split a diamond. These  things must be handled delicately. Plan your course well and be careful not to  throw your power around. Too much action is not advised. Keep it slow and  steady. You are not in possession of all the facts yet. 

Two of Swords:  Things seem to be in a very precarious state of balance. It may be difficult  to make a decision at this time because you are blinded to the things that you  need to know. Best to wait this one out because the waters to your back are a  bit treacherous. Put off making major decisions until more facts come to  light. 

Two of Swords Reversed:  Now things are starting to happen. The blindfold has been removed and you are now able to see what you were blinded to before. Because of the pause you may have experienced, the pace that is underway at this time may be a bit hectic for you. It may seem that things are moving too quickly. This is only your perception. Move with the flow and make those decisions you have been putting off. The time is right. 

Three of Swords:  This is a sad card to find in a reading because it means that someone is going away.  Usually this is an enforced separation, meaning that there is little you can do or could have done to change things. Being separated from your loved ones is never easy and the sadness you feel at this time is natural. 

Three of Swords Reversed:  When reversed, this card usually means that the separation described in the upright position is only temporary.  While that certainly does not decrease the pain of being away from your loved one(s), it gives you hope for tomorrow. If you are separated because of an argument, this card indicates that you are the one who needs to say, "I'm sorry." 

Four of Swords:  He may look dead, but he's only resting so deeply that he gives that appearance. This card implies that a time of rest and recuperation is at hand. This will usually indicate a physical resting of the body, such as a vacation or even a convalescent time after sickness or surgery, This could also, but more rarely, mean mental resting, such a going on a retreat or hibernating from the rest of the world with a fireplace, warm blanket, a good book and lots of ice cream. 

Four of Swords Reversed:  Things are happening again. Your isolation and rest has been completed and you are back into the swing of things again. Action after stagnation is implied with this card. Be careful. You must take it easy or you will do too much too soon and end up back out of commission again. 

Five of Swords:  WARNING: Make sure this is not actually the 7 of swords. They often look a lot alike and are easily confused! Ha ha ha. We won, you lost. The guy on this card almost always looks like he's gloating while the boys in the background are slinking away. He's also picking up the toys they left behind while they were in such a hurry to get away. Is the victor you or someone else? This card can represent cowardice, walking away in defeat, or victory by unfair advantage. The victor gains through someone else's loss. 

Five of Swords Reversed:  Regret over past actions. Perhaps you took unfair advantage over someone and now you're feeling the guilt monster. This card can also indicate that you are involved in a really rotten situation where you are being forced to perform in a manner that is out of character for you or is unfair and cannot be changed. 

Six of Swords:   You are being ferried away from a difficult situation. Looking at the picture on this card, you will see that the boat is leaving rough waters and heading toward smooth sailing. A difficult time is ending and a new and happier time commences. This card, like the Chariot, can take on literal terms and mean travel. You may be moving away to a new home or job or possibly going on a trip for vacation or business purposes or it may be a spiritual or mental journey away from troubled times.  A cycle in your life is fading away...let it do so. 

Six of Swords Reversed:  Reversed, this card can mean two different things. Either you are in a difficult time period and there is nothing you can do at this time to move away from it or, if a journey is planned, there may be delays and complications.  If you can’t postpone the trip, make sure your vehicle is in top notch conditions and be prepared to adapt to other plans if needed.  Vehicle or journey problems are usually indicated when this card is drawn. 

Seven of Swords:  DOUBLE CHECK! Make sure this is not actually the 5 of swords.  Remember, they are very similar. This card shows a man slipping away from an encampment or city with his arms laden with swords. This is a weird card, because its meaning is dependent on what you seen depicted here. It could be that someone is taking something that does not belong to them. Your focus may fall on the two swords left behind, indicating that a person is not able to carry a full load and must decide what should be taken and what should be left behind. Do you get an impression of sneakiness and deception from this card?  If so, go with the first interpretation.  If not, look to the second. 

Seven of Swords  Reversed:  Reversed, this card means that something you thought was gone forever may be returned to you. This could be something tangible that you have lost or was taken or something abstract like your self-esteem or honor. This card also indicates that you should avoid any indiscretions at this time because you very probably will get caught. 

Eight of Swords:  This one isn't too difficult to interpret. The Eight of Swords indicates that you are restrained from action at this time. You cannot see which way to go to free yourself from a difficult situation and are feeling confined. Usually, this card makes it clear to you, the reader, that there is a path out of the circle of swords (obstacles) surrounding this person, but because she is blindfolded, she is unable to see it. It is therefore likely that outside advice would be helpful in this situation. Perhaps and objective observer can give a clearer perspective to the person caught up in the situation. 

Eight of Swords Reversed:  The ties are loosened, the blindfold falls and the victim can now see how to move out of the present set of circumstances. There is greater freedom of activity and reaction. You feel less confined and better able to handle the problems at hand. 

Nine of Swords:   This is another of the ambiguous cards that can easily mean something completely different, depending on your perception of what is going on in the picture. The classic interpretation is anxiety and despair, inconsolable sadness, disrupted sleep patterns, fatigue and frustration. Other people see in this card a person who has awakened and is crying with relief that what brought the fear and anxiety to her life was actually only a nightmare and all is well. What do you see here? 

Nine of Swords Reversed:  The meaning of this card becomes clearer when it is in the reversed position. It offers encouragement that the sun is coming up. Things are getting better and tomorrow is another day. Don't become so engrossed in the problems of today that you forget that they may not even affect you in a day, a week or a month. Keep your eyes to the future and have faith that all will work out for the best. 

Ten of Swords:   Another perception card. Is the sun on the horizon in the distance rising or setting? This can affect your perception of the meaning of this card. This card can literally represent back pain or injury or being "stabbed in the back" and betrayed. A friend of mine has titled this card "Bad Day at Red Rock" and that seems quite appropriate. Things are decidedly not going well. This card can mean the breakdown of existing plans, things not going as you expected, unhappiness, disappointment, pain, misfortune, accidents, carelessness, and all manner of nastiness. 

Ten of Swords Reversed:   A bad situation is ending and a better one is beginning. You have completed a difficult lesson and if you keep this lesson in your heart and mind, you will not have to repeat it again. You may still be twanging and reeling from the hurt and pain this lesson brought with it, but you are moving into a new and better set of circumstances and may safely heave a sign of relief. Things are going to get progressively better. 

Ace of Pentacles:   As the Aces always represent a new beginning in the area represented by the suit of the card, the Ace of Pentacles indicates a financial breakthrough of some kind. It may also represent what will eventually lead to an increase in funds or career status, such as a new job, an educational degree that will move you upward in the work force or a raise or promotion. It could also represent a legal judgment in your favor, especially if the Justice card is nearby. Successful ventures of some kind are generally at hand when this card appears in a spread. 

Ace of Pentacles Reversed:   Reversed, the Ace of Pentacles indicates that things have not gone as well as you thought they would in the world of finance. Either funds or a promotion you expected did not manifest or perhaps someone ran interference on a plan or project you were depending upon greatly. This card counsels that it is always prudent to have a backup plan and not to rely too heavily on one particular project to bail you out. In other words, don't put all of your eggs in one basket. 

Two of Pentacles:   The Two of Pentacles is such a mass of symbolism that many people find a different meaning for this card every time they read it. Essentially, it is showing a person who is casually, skillfully balancing two situations while the storm rages on in the background. This usually indicates that the person concerned has a great deal of talent in keeping things afloat. They are very stable, dexterous and comfortable coping with more than one situation at any given time. In fact, they may revel in accepting life as one big plate spinning event. This card also indicates that disharmony could unbalance you. It is essential that things be kept running smoothly or everything could fall. 

Two of Pentacles Reversed:  When reversed, it seems that something caught the attention of our artful juggler and either everything has come crashing down or is becoming almost impossible to keep in the air. It is now essential that you make a decision, prioritize your "to do" list and do not despair if you cannot get everything done or keep everyone happy. If your energies are feeling scattered and disharmonious, perhaps you should evaluate what it is that you are juggling and eliminate some of your load. 

Three of Pentacles:  The Three of Pentacles represents the Master Craftsman. This artesian has been working in his field of endeavor long enough to have perfected his art. He can be compared to the apprentice represented in the Eight of Pentacles. The Three of Pentacles indicates skill in a particular field, perhaps an employment or a hobby. If this card appears in response to a question about a job, it usually indicates that a person will remain in his field of expertise or will get a job based on his prior achievements and knowledge. It can also represent being honored for accomplishments in a specialty field, receiving some sort of recognition or award for a job well done. 

Three of Pentacles Reversed:    Reversed, this card means that the mastery of skills has not yet been reached. There is still more practice needed. Perhaps you are trying to take the easy way out and reach the top by avoiding some crucial steps. A promotion or reward may be delayed at this time. You are not applying yourself to your learning potential as much as you should. 

Four of Pentacles:    Just as the picture implies, this card says that you are putting too much emphasis on material matters at this time. This may indicate greed, miserliness or even holding something nonmaterial, such as a person or plan, too close to you. Keeping everything for yourself is a general theme with this card. Loosen up a bit.   

Four of Pentacles Reversed:  Reversed, this card counsels the exact opposite of the upright interpretation: Squeeze each penny until it yelps. The indication here is that money is going out of your budget too freely for superfluous expenditures. Put the brakes on your checkbook and batten down the hatches. Things may not be grim on the financial horizon at this time, but there is something coming up that is going to require every cent you have. Get some money into reserve fast and cut the extra spending. 

Five of Pentacles:   The Five of Pentacles is actually a progression from the Four of Pentacles reversed. A catastrophe (usually financial) has caught you unaware and is now causing impoverishment of some kind. This can be physical, spiritual or financial. The implication is of being "left out in the cold" in some way. Although the usual impact is financial due to the suit of pentacles, this could also indicate that you are feeling spiritually destitute or abandoned. You may have been milked by unfortunate circumstances to the point that you want to give up. One theme tends to run common in different decks with regard to the Five of Pentacles. Usually this broken down duet is in front of a church with lights shining from the inside. This does not mean that religion is the answer to your problems. This is symbolic for the abstract that help is there if you will only look up.  You must recognize that you cannot get through this crisis alone and help from another source is needed. Swallow your pride and seek out the help you need. If it doesn't come in the form of the first or even tenth avenue you approach, keep trying. It is there for you and you need only to find the correct connection. 

Five of Pentacles Reversed:  A friend of mine who is a clinical psychologist has a question that he asks his patients from time to time: "Are you enjoying your depression?"  When I first heard this, I though it was a particularly foolish question. But the more I thought about it, the more I saw its value. If someone is enjoying a pity party, they are not going to find their way out of it. The first step to changing an unhappy situation is to acknowledge that this set of circumstances is unacceptable. That then provides the affirmation that will pave the way for your emergence and final release from the difficulties you have been experiencing. Reversed, the Five of Pentacles says that you have already decided to release yourself from the situation, all you need to do now is find the means to do it. Stay in touch with your innermost self and let common sense and intuition work together to guide you out. You must accept that part of the reason you have been restricted is, in fact, your own fault. You must brush yourself off and get going. It is not going to be easy by any means. You did not get into this situation overnight and it isn't going to be fixed overnight. Take things one step at a time and pat yourself on the back and be extraordinarily pleased with yourself for each small advancement you make. This card also brings you the not-so-joyful news that you are the only one who can remedy this problem. Others may help you along the way, but their assistance with be minimal. The responsibility is yours and yours alone. 

Six of Pentacles:   Finally, the dark night of the Five of Pentacles has broken into the light of the Six. There is now a sudden freeing up of funds and you are able to enjoy the fruits of your efforts. There is enough to go around for everyone, so this card counsels to give everyone a share rather than localizing your funds in one area. If the question does not involve money, this card represents sharing, charity and careful distribution. Fairness and equality are also denoted. 

Six of Pentacles Reversed:  In the reverse, everything tumbles. There is some discordance in regard to how money is being handled or distributed. Either you are not happy with your share or you are unable to adequately distribute the funds you have in the direction they are needed. The money you make or receive routinely is under threat from some source and you need to get a tighter rein on where it's going. Someone may be trying to take advantage of your generosity.  Make sure there aren't too many hands in the pot. 

Seven of Pentacles:   Growing up on a farm, one thing you learn about is hoeing. Not the street-walkin' way, but the garden way. When working in a garden, you hoe the weeds away from the plants and, when planting in the spring, some seeds require that you hoe a furrow the length of the raw, then go back and plant the seeds, covering them with the dirt you have furrowed. This, friends, is a lot of work. After you have heed a distance down your row, ever so often you look back on the work you have accomplished to make sure your row is straight. If it isn't, you go back and fix it. This is the essence of the Seven of Pentacles. You have been working on a "row" of some kind and the time has come to look back and evaluate what you have done. If you have been very careful and paid close attention to what you were doing, the repair you will have to do will be minimal or none. If you started to daydream along the way and lose track of what you were doing, you may have to work a little harder to bring things back into line again, If you were smart enough to run a string between two sticks in the dirt from one end of the row to the other, you've got it made in the shade. Your foresight will have kept you on track and all should be well. So how does this little nostalgic dissertation apply to the Tarot? You are in a time of pausing in pour activity. During this time, you should look back on what you have accomplished and correct whatever mistakes are apparent to you. If all is well, you may have the privilege of resting on your hoe for a few minutes until time to get back to work. How well things go for you at this time depends solely on what you have fed into the situation. 

Seven of Pentacles Reversed:  You blinked. Your row is crooked and you're probably going to have to go back and redo the whole thing. You were distracted or in a hurry and the job you have done is shoddy. All you can do now is go back, repair what you can, and don't be in such a rush this time. Stop whining and feeling sorry for yourself. If you had done it right the first time, you'd be happily moving along to something else by now. You have no one to blame except you-know-who.

Eight of Pentacles:  This is the card of the apprentice. He has not yet reached the level of the Master Craftsman we saw back in the Three of Pentacles, but he is working hard to get there.  He continues to work and work until he gets it right, putting in the necessary time and energy to become proficient at what he does. This card represents a learning time. You are definitely heading in the right direction, What you are doing at this time in your life is preparing you well for the future. Unfortunately, in the apprentice stage, the monetary returns are not very high, but you are well on your way to achieving the financial security you need and want. Stay with the hard work and you will find that it pays off greatly in the future. Always keep your goal firmly visualized so that you will remember why you are putting in these long hours and masses of energy. 

Eight of Pentacles Reversed:  Stop trying to take shortcuts to success and pay your dues like everyone else. There are no "get rich quick" plans. You have to put in your time and take things step by step. You are trying to get ahead by stepping on other people and avoiding the normal course of action. This is going to cause you to fail.  When you cut in line, you get sent to the back of the line or removed from the line altogether. It is essential at this time that you pull back and go about things in their proper manner. Above all, BE PATIENT! All things take time!                            

Nine of Pentacles:  This card represent the near-end of a cycle, as do all of the nines. Here we see a person in a lavish garden with a manor house in the background. This person appears to be quite content, but is most often depicted alone, indicating the a the security and contentment is self-made, Financial prowess through careful planning and management of funds, having heeded all of the lessons in the previous Pentacle cards, has brought this person to a level of comfort and security. You are provided for well and should feel a deep sense of satisfaction and peace. 

Nine of Pentacles Reversed:  It is definitely time to fall back, regroup, figure out where you are going and what is keeping you from getting there. What is it, exactly, that you want out of life and why aren't you getting it? You are still, even in the reversal interpretation of this card, coming to the ending of a cycle and evidently you have not accomplished what you set out to do. Are you even sure what that goal originally was? Things appear to be a bit difficult at this time and you would further complicate the situation by acting rashly or out of character. You can't “hurry up" and fix what is wrong. Careful evaluation and planning is necessary to extract you from this mess. Take it slow and easy and you'll find yourself on top again.  Get spooked and act irrationally and you could lose everything. 

Ten of Pentacles:   The Ten of Pentacles brings into completion what was begun in the Ace and touched upon in the Nine. Now the financial security has reached a point that others can benefit from it as well. This card can denote an inheritance of some sort (when it works in reverse chronology) or can signify laying the foundation for your own future generation. You have reached the state of assured monetary influx and freedom from poverty that you envisioned. A financial break or windfall may be on the horizon, but most usually this state comes from careful investments and wise planning. 

Ten of Pentacles Reversed:  Money problems seem to be springing up from everywhere. Be careful of investments at this time. Things are in a state of upheaval and it would be wise to keep your money to yourself for a time. Wait until the situation is more stable before branching out. There could be problems concerning a will, probate, escrow, a loan or any other situation where money and paperwork combine. Wages may be held up or less than you expected. You must stay on top of this crisis or you could risk being pulled under. 

In Summary... 

          è The Minor Arcana addresses mundane issues in a reading. 

            è The meaning of a Minor Arcana card is amplified and accentuated by surrounding Major Arcana Cards. 

            è Court Cards around the Minor Arcana Cards may indicate people who are involved with the circumstances depicted in the Minor Arcana Cards.




3 of Cups from the Robin Wood Tarot.The










