The Major Arcana.  

           The Major Arcana of a Tarot deck is the source of a great deal of insight and knowledge.  It can work for you in a number of ways, particularly in the capacity of spiritual path working.  Some readers prefer the read only with the Major Arcana when path working to evoke a more esoteric message and take the emphasis away from the mundane aspects of life primarily addressed by the Minor cards. 

            The first Tarot decks appear to have contained only the Major Arcana and were considered to be sacred learning tools used by court priests and advisors.  The Minor Arcana was thought to have been added later as the cards became available to the average person.  Not only were they now being used by readers who had an interest in mundane issues such as sustenance, home and family, but society as a whole was experiencing a shift in consciousness away from an emphasis on the spiritual and toward the mundane needs and existence.   Because the interpretations of the Major Arcana cards usually revolve around significant aspects of our lives that require a deeper understanding and exploration, these cards are more thoroughly discussed in this text.

            Another use of the Major Arcana is in selecting the significator, the card that represents the client in a spread. Some readers will use The Fool as a significator for all readings, which is perfectly acceptable considering that The Fool is embarking on a journey, which is sort of what the client is doing when he seeks a reading. Another common practice is to use The Empress for female clients and The Emperor for male clients. I prefer to leave all of the Major Arcana cards available for the reading and tend to lean to the court cards if a significator is to be used for the reading.  As I mentioned in a previous chapter, I don't particularly use a significator and just go right into the reading.  Many people appreciate the use of a significator for focus purposes.  A court card may also be used for this purpose and would be based on he coloring, astrological significance or temperament of the client.  This will be more fully discussed in the section of this book regarding court cards. 


The Fool:              The Fool is the only card in the standard Tarot deck that does not have a specific numerical value assigned to it.  It is the equivalent of  “Wyrd” in Germanic runes:  The unknowable.  It’s lack of numbering is the perfect representation of what the card truly means,  which is the void; the leap of absolute faith and trusting.  The Fool is traditionally shown with a meager pack thrown over his shoulder and a small white dog nipping at his heels.  His face is  innocent and carefree and he is usually looking upward, away from where he puts his feet.  The card itself advises that a leap of faith is at hand and that the client should be willing to jump into the void and take a chance.  The small bag indicates that all he needs will be provided for him and that he should trust this to be so.  The dog symbolizes the reality of intelligent, rational thought that often nips and bites at our heals when we are striving to rely fully on intuition and trust.  

This card in a reading:   You have been placed in a situation that is based completely on faith and has little standing in intelligent thought.  You are being asked to sacrifice everything for a promise of nothing.  The advise of this card to take a deep breath and jump, confident that you will fly and not be dashed on the craggy rocks below.  

The Fool Reversed:   When reversed, The Fool warns that now is not the time to push yours luck or test your faith.  It could be that timing is not right, situations are not sufficiently developed or intelligence and rational thought are required at this time.  The Fool reversed could also indicate that you are is being pushed over the edge by someone who is unable or unwilling to make the leap themselves.  

This card in a reading:     Re-evaluate your course of action and consider whether the timing for this activity is possibly off.  Work from the angle of rational thought rather than intuition and faith.  If the leap is unavoidable at this point, ensure that your bag of tricks is stuffed to the brim and you have an ace up your sleeve.  Do not allow others to manipulate you into taking chances that do not seem wise to you at this time.  

The Magician:  In most decks, The Magician is depicted as being male or androgynous.  Certainly, his application is to either sex.  Shown with a variety of tools before him, he traditionally reaches one hand to the heavens and points another to the earth, representing the manifestation of the energy from heaven into a reality on earth based solely upon his will and direction.  The modern definition of magician (more accurately termed “illusionist”) should be entirely lost in the context of interpreting this card.  On the contrary, our Magician houses no deceptions or tricks in what he manifests.  He controls the elements around him deftly as he weaves the inchoate into reality.  

This card in a reading:    Become very clear and concise about what you want.  You have the ability to bring thought into form at this time; all that is required is clear intent and the will power to make it so.  Focus your energy in a very precise direction.  The trick is to be careful what you wish for because, especially in this instance, you will very likely get it.  

The Magician Reversed:   Reversed, The Magician cautions that you are being given all the tools and resources needed to handle a given situation, but are using them incorrectly.  Energies are being wasted, scattered and abused.  You are probably becoming quite harried as your efforts are showing little result.  This could be due to fatigue, confusion or over-emotion, a cycle which perpetuates itself as the problems continue to multiply and grow.


 This card in a reading:     Stop what you are doing now.  Cleanse your mind of all the predetermined notions of what you think you want or need for yourself of someone else.  Your efforts are nonproductive at this time and energy is being wasted.  Take time and go inside yourself.  Find the peace, stillness and solace that exists in there yet.  After clearing away the debris of your perceived wants/needs, reassess your position, intent and current activities.  Analyze what you are now doing or planning that is untimely, unethical, or otherwise inappropriate.  Put a hold on all activities other than those that are absolutely necessary.  Wait until a clear direction is revealed.  In time, you will fully understand why the actions you were taking or considering were not appropriate for the greater good.


The High Priestess:    Tall and proud she sits on her throne with an expression that is haughty and slightly intimidating.  She is stationed between two pillars:  one of black and one of white, representing the perfect balance, the yin and yang.  The veil between the two represents information to which the client is not yet privy, as does the rolled scroll on her lap.  The veil also indicates that which is between the black and the white:  the gray area that is not defined by dogmatic thought.


This card in a reading:   There is activity going on beneath the obvious surface and you are not aware of all of the aspects of concern in this situation.  It is for your greatest good at this time for you to release your need to know this information for it will all come to you in time.  You do not yet have all the facts and action at this time is ill advised.  Be very careful where you place your confidences and play your hand very close to your vest.  

The High Priestess Reversed:  The secrets held when High Priestess is in the upright position have now been revealed, for the better or the worse.  This could denote a sudden understanding of the situation, an epiphany.  The veil has dropped and the scroll is unrolled for all to see.  

This card in a reading:     There are no secrets or subversives involved.  What you see in this situation is what you get.  All of the facts as you see them at this time are accurately interpreted.  

The Empress:   The Mother Earth.  The Empress is usually shown as being pregnant, representing fertility, creativity and growth.  She brings with her the promise of a bountiful harvest and the assurance that what you have wished for will not only come to pass, but will do so with added rewards.  You have a promise of your needs being fulfilled with abundance.  She may also represent a woman who is all things to all people.  

This card in a reading:     Relax and feel the peace within yourself.  Your efforts have fallen upon fertile soil and your needs will be fulfilled with joy and satisfactions.  You can depend upon having all that you will need.  You are on the right path.  

The Empress Reversed:   Efforts at this time are barren and nonproductive.  A new approach is needed.  The seeds that were planted before either lay dead and dried in the soil or have grown into a garden of weeds.  This is not the time to expect growth or change.  

This card in a reading:  It is time to plow it under and start anew.  This time, remember to invest in good seeds, water and fertilize frequently and keep the grounds tended.   You may want to seek out expert advice before continuing.  

The Emperor:   This man is solid, steady and self-assured.  He is blessed with emotional control, will power and intellect.  This may represent yourself or a person around you who is imbued with these qualities.  The correct channeling of intent and wisdom is indicated as is control and balance, authority and mind over matter.  

This card in a reading:  The situation is being handled in a manner that is wise and fair. If this card represents a person in your life, trust their advice and abilities.  If you are the one represented by The Emperor, avail yourself to your powers of reason, fairness and will.  The person represented by The Emperor is the one who holds the control in this situation.  

The Emperor Reversed:   Imbalance and lack of direction is indicated.  Power and control are being used in a manner that is harmful or unfair.  A “little Nero” is tossing around power chips that they do not rightfully own and will soon take a downfall for it.  A lack of will power or a false courage also seems to come into play. Find positive direction in your life. Select a path and stick to it. You lack will-power and initiative, Get up off your butt and do something. Is someone becoming a burden to you? Now is not the time to tolerate a slacker or coattail passenger. Exercise the qualities of The Emperor and let this no account know that they are going to have to start pulling their share of their load or look for another cart. 

This card in a reading:   Find positive direction in your life. Select a path and stick to it. You lack will-power and initiative, Get up off your butt and do something. Is someone becoming a burden to you? Now is not the time to tolerate a slacker or coattail passenger. Exercise the qualities of The Emperor and let this no account know that they are going to have to start pulling their share of their load or look for another cart. 

The Heirophant:  Boring or safe? The Heirophant represents conformity, bowing to the restraints of society either by force or by choice. This card denotes a person or action that is following the paved and accepted path. If this represents a person, usually they are not particularly fond of or open to changes or new ideas. This can be good or bad, depending on the situation. It can also indicate a person who is deeply influenced by peers and who is unable to feel complete without continuous pats on the head and "atta boy’s from superiors. Someone who wants to belong just for the sake of belonging. 

This card in a reading:     For the good or the bad, convention is the flavor of the month.  Societies dictates of right and wrong and the impression others will have of you or what you are doing is a strong impact at this time.   

The Heirophant Reversed:  Original and unique thoughts or actions. A person who is open-minded and frank, not afraid to speak their mind even if their ideas do not go along with the status quo. A rebel, a pioneer or a messiah, depending upon the extremity of the situation.  

This card in a reading:     Do not be inhibited or regret the fact that you are an original piece of art that does not conform for the sake of conforming. Take the reins and do your own thing. A vibrant and refreshing breeze will be coming into your life. 

The Lovers:   This card seldom represents what it looks like it represents. it leaves that job for the 2 of cups. Most commonly, The Lovers represents a choice, usually between something that you know you should not be doing (but looks like fun) and what you know you really should do (but could be boring). The sacred and the profane love are at odds with one another. In most decks, this card depicts a male/female pair cuddling in front of trees which bear the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil (remember that story?), with an ominous-looking angel (my guess is Raphael) who seems to be warning the pair, “Look, did He tell you not to eat the fruit or what?”  

This card in a reading:     The general idea of this card is that you should be very careful of any indiscretions in connection with the choice you must make. Lean to the right, so to speak. You will save a great deal of time, energy and pain if you just do what is fair and just and walk the straight and narrow. You aren't as slick as you think. 

The Lovers Reversed:   Receiving this card in reverse means that if you had done a reading on this subject a week or so ago, you would have probably gotten this card upright at some point. Now you are beyond the choosing or are at the last and most critical moment in the choice. Either way, the situation has now gone beyond warning and into RED ALERT.  

This card in a reading:     You are on the verge of making a very wrong decision and could very well lose everything. You want to have your cake and eat it too and if you don't back off and do the "right thing", it's going to get very ugly here very quickly. Stop goofing around and get on the ball before the you-know-what hits the fan. 

THE CHARIOT:   Control, self-discipline and movement. Think of The Emperor on wheels at warp seven with his hair on fire. The Charioteer holds the reins and is in complete control of the situation even though the pace is so brisk it could be staggering for someone lacking in his control.  

This card in a reading:     This card is telling you to rein in your energy, apply it well and you will quickly get to where you are going. You may even enjoy the ride. The Chariot can, in a less esoteric reading, actually predict a journey or trip.   

The Chariot Reversed:   You are still flying along, but you'd better watch out because your chariot has a broken axle, psychotic horses and your reins just fell off in your hands. In short, you are going to run into a concrete wall, go careening over the side of a cliff or be thrown in front of these horses from hell and get trampled.  

This card in a reading:     Were you careless in preparing for this adventure and neglected to check out your wheels before you took off or were you sabotaged? Either way. there is carelessness and/or wrong use of energy involved and it is definitely prudent to come to a screeching halt and evaluate where the problem lies. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark. 

Strength:   Ahhh,,,look at the sweet little kitty cat. Usually this card shows a tranquil-looking man or woman who has tamed a rather substantial lion. Too bad you can't see the picture just prior to the one forever captured on the #8 Trump where our friendly feline was ready to rip Mr/Ms Mellow to shreds.  

This card in a reading:     Strength tells you that you, are able to still the savage beast within you. Sometimes our emotions can carry us away or perhaps your lion is a situation that has gotten terribly out of control. Either way, Strength counsels you that you can take a calm and serene attitude and bring this problem into control. Violence, hysterics and depression are only going to make the matters worse. Feed you lion sugar cubes, sing him a pretty song, tickle him under the chin and soon your calm and peaceful attitude will pay off. Your appropriate action at this time is to stay relaxed. smile a lot and show no signs of distress. Are the mountains that you see blocking your path really molehills? If so, grow up and step over them. Conquer your emotions.  They are of no service to you at this time and are only compounding the problem. 

Strength Reversed:  Great. Now you've done it. You dropped your poker hand and your bluff has been called. The lion has smelled your fear and remembers his mom telling him  that smaller creatures are more afraid of him than he is of them.  Your adversary, whether tangible or intangible, is  confident and out for blood (yours!).  

This card in a reading:     Don't back down. In this instance, you are right and should be firm in your convictions. Don't let anyone make you  unsure of yourself or upset your belief systems. They are the ones bluffing.  Revert again to the actions of Strength upright and do not get defensive or try  to adopt a nasty attitude.  Be assertive, but not aggressive.  Stand your  ground, but don't be nasty about it.  Gentle confidence is still your best bet. 

The Hermit:   I always feel a little sorry for this old guy. He has lit and lifted his  lantern to find his way in the darkness, to seek out his own path through life.  Unfortunately, every piddly little moth within a thousand miles seen the light and thinks that because The Hermit can see that he knows where he's going. His counsel is quite simple: "Get your own damned light!"  

This card in a reading:     While the Hermit is quite mature, experienced and wise (he is further on the path than the moths are, at least), he knows that the answers that everyone seeks have to come from within oneself.  You can approach someone wiser than you who has been around the block a couple of times, but all they can do is offer guidance. They certainly cannot make your decisions for you, The Hermit says that you may  seek advise and counsel from other, but that you must accept the responsibility  for making your own decisions. The ultimate answers lie in your own soul, so  knowing thyself is essential here. Sometimes, the lesson of The Hermit is that some quiet, quality "alone time" may be in order. Take time from your busy   schedule and the hustle and bustle of the rat race and go within yourself. You may actually find someone who is quite wise in there; someone you like very much. 

The Hermit Reversed:  You aren't listening! Your higher self is sending out messages left and right and you are ignoring the signals. When Higher Self starts tapping you on the shoulder and you don't listen, the taps can soon escalate into severe battery about the head and shoulders.  

This card in a reading:     STOP! Listen to your inner voice. Spiritually, stop whining about how no one understands you and start trying to understand yourself.  Your boat is coming in and you’re at the airport.  You are isolating yourself from common sense, whether that is coming from someone else or within yourself. Pay attention! 

The Wheel of Fortune:  Round and round and round she goes...and there's a winner every time!  Sometimes it's you, sometimes it's not. This card represents the Wheel of Fate; chance. Everything is constantly changing, forever fluctuating. Sometimes you're going up on the Wheel and you can see the world laid out before you. The next minute, you're tumbling down and you don't ever think you’re going to be up again.  But you will. 

This card in a reading:   The message of this card is that, for good or bad, the times they are a'changin' and if it's bad now, it won't last forever. If things are going great for you, put something aside for the future. Nothing remains static, so be prepared for change and remain flexible. In response to a specific question, The Wheel says that they outcome is not in your hands, but in the hands of Fate and the outcome is not yet established.

The Wheel of Fortune Reversed:  Much the same interpretation as upright, but usually the message is that you are now on the downward turn of the Wheel and things seem to go wrong wherever you look. Life may now be like a walk through a cow pasture in the dark. Everywhere you put your foot down...but have faith that the nature of the game is that the Wheel is always turning and your rise is coming.  

This card in a reading:   Did you really think you were so special that you had a one way ticket up on the Wheel? Everybody gets a round trip and this is yours. As surely as you go up, you go down. In fact, "up" cannot exist without "down". Stop whining about "Why is this happening to me", play out the hand you've been dealt and keep your thoughts on the future. It really is going to get better. 

Justice:    What goes around, comes around. You reap what you sow. The Justice trump means exactly what it implies: A fair and just decision or conclusion to the situation. Justice tends to be indiscriminate in that the fairness it represents could be directed toward or against the client, depending on the honor ratio of prior activities.  

This card in a reading:     This is a very strong Karma card and your standing at the old Karmic Savings and Loan is going to determine whether this trump affects your life for the better or worse. Regardless, the lesson is that what is happening or will be happening is based solely upon prior actions. The decision that has been made is, in the long run, for the best. 

Justice Reversed:  A very frustrating and aggravating time. The outcome of this situation is not one of fairness. This card frequently appears reversed when someone has used you to their advantage and left you holding the bag. The most painful part of this trump reversed is that the likelihood is strong that, for now anyway, the culprit is going to walk away scot-free while you are left to clean up the mess.  

This card in a reading:     This situation has taught you a lesson or two and even though that seems to be little compensation for what you have been forced to endure.  The good news is that these  lessons will serve you well in the future. If you are the vengeful type, don't worry. The Wheel turns and, one way or another, your adversary will get what's coming to them. At the Karmic Savings and Loan, they are way too overdrawn to not have their account fall into review.  Take your lesson and let the chips fall. 

The Hanged Man:   Even though this fellow is in a strange set of circumstances, being trussed up  as he is, in most decks he is depicted with a rather serene look on his face. He seems little disturbed with his predicament. His counsel is that at this time there is little or nothing you can do to effect a change in your circumstances except wait it out.  

This card in a reading:    Things are in a weird state of suspension and even though there may be lots of activity going on around you, you cannot do anything to be of influence. The important thing to do is to be patient and look ahead to the future. Plan your next move during this pause in activity and be prepared to act when you are released from this stagnation. 

The Hanged Man Reversed:  Reversed, this card indicates that you are resisting this suspension and creating friction to the situation by trying to react and change things. Really look at the card upside down. He is not as suspended as he was, but if he tries to walk, he is going to fall flat on his face.  

This card in a reading:   The advise is still to be calm in the face of this "suspended" set of circumstances and wait until you can freely move. Any efforts at this time are not only going to be a waste of energy, but may even complicate matters more. 

Death:    Stop right where you are in this reading and don't freak out. This card very, very seldom predicts an actual death. In fact, it is the height of irresponsibility and low ethics for a card reader to predict someone's death.  The Death trump actually represents the concept of "Death of the old, birth of the new". A completely new way of life is on its way in some or all areas of your life. This card says that some part of your life is outmoded and is no longer serving your growth. It is right and timely that a radical change ensue.  

This card in a reading:     Don't fear this change as it will ultimately be for the better. Let go of the past and embrace the future. You have the strength to get through this transitory period, although at times the pace may be a bit staggering. Face these changes and open yourself to the excitement that they bring. There is a massive spring cleaning going on in your life and while some things will be polished up and made better, others will be taken to the curb for the trash gremlins to haul away to the great landfill of life. 

Death Reversed:  THIS is the card to fear!  Boredom, stagnation, stuck in a rut. Wanting to effect a change and being unable to due to external circumstances or fear.  

This card in a reading:     Change is inevitable and if you delay it indefinitely, it will be even more colossal when it ultimately  does come. This could represent a time in your life when you are waiting for the next "big thing" to come along. Keep your mind active and your thoughts on  organizing the present in preparation for the changes of tomorrow. 

Temperance:    A pinch of this, a bit of that. Blending, measuring and making sure all of the correct ingredients are added in just the right configurations.  The root word of “temper” here does not refer to the demeanor but to the act of tempering, as in tempering metals. 

This card in a reading:    

Temperance tells you that at this time it is essential that everything in your life be monitored and kept as balanced as is absolutely possible. Don't rock the boat.  Maintain patience and keep everything afloat. It is not yet the time for making any radical changes. Take your time and think things through. Be patient. 

Temperance Reversed:  Whereas in the upright interpretation of this card, the suggestion of moderation and patience was a mild warning, in reverse, Temperance says that things are not running particularly smoothly at this time and you need to set things right.  

This card in a reading:     Slow down, take your time and see what you can do to bring things back into balance. Try looking at things from a different angle. A slight change could bring everything back into focus and balance again.  Evaluate the situation and put everything on a priority list. Tackle problems one at a time until the balance is brought back into your life. 

The Devil:     This is another card which produces a completely unwarranted fear in the untrained eye  as soon as it crops up. Look at the picture on your Devil card carefully.  Wait a second!  Aren't these the same people who were on The Lovers card??!! Usually, this card shows two unfortunate should chained to a rather formidable looking devil.  Look at the collars they wear. They are usually quite loose and could be  removed if desired. 

This card in a reading:     This card means that you are chained to a problem or set of circumstances that is weighing you down, but if you chose, you could release yourself. This could be a problem that you have blown out of proportion or a situation that you have created yourself and could diffuse. There is usually a touch of selfishness flying around this card. you may be a touch off your course with this predicament, but it is well within your means to free yourself. Shake off this false sense of hopelessness that you have enshrouded yourself with and bring this problem down to the bare facts. It will then reach a workable level and the key to freeing yourself will be provided.   Identify what  YOUR devil is, what is holding you back from the things that you want to achieve and eliminate that obstacle. 

The Devil Reversed:   In reverse, this card means that you have already taken the action suggested to you in the upright position. You have evaluated the situation thoroughly and logically or instinctively know what it is that you must do. 

This card in a reading:     Stop dragging your feet and do what you know you must do. Make amends as you need to and clear this situation up. It has gone on for far too long. It is time for decisive and correct action. 

The Tower:  Fasten your seatbelts, folks, it's gonna be a bumpy ride. Imagine the Death card squared. You are coming upon a time of remarkable change. With The Tower, we aren't just spring cleaning, we're bulldozing the house and building another one. A series of events has been set up that will change or affect something (or a number of things) that you considered to be permanent and ongoing forces in your life.  

This card in a reading:     These changes are karmic in nature, meaning that they are the result of the intricate web of past experiences and actions. It is timely and correct that they occur at this point in your life. If you are on the world's fastest roller coaster and you scream, thrash and fight against it, you are going to have a wicked and possibly painful ride. The best thing to do when this card appears is to take a deep breath and get ready to roll with the ride. 

The Tower Reversed:  The change has begun and you are fighting it all the way. The trouble is, this situation is going to fight back with a vengeance. It is essential at this time that you stop resisting the change and look for opportunities in the future.  

This card in a reading: Resistance is futile. You must objectively evaluate the situation and see that there is nothing you can do to stop this change from occurring. Do what you know you have to do. It is time for you to let go and move on to other opportunities. 

The Star:  After the shakedown of The Tower, The Star beings a welcome repose. Illumination and inspiration are the key words of practice here. This is a very quiet and introspective card, usually using a great deal of water in the representation. Water is attuned to the West and represents intuition and emotion. The Star shows us a time of serenity, gifts of spiritual guidance and a quiet assurance that your goals will be accomplished and everything really will work out to your satisfaction.  

This card in a reading:   When you draw this card, relax back into the quiet oblivion of meditation and draw on your psychic intuitions. All is working in harmony and you are on the right track. 

The Star Reversed:  A sense of hopeless may prevail when The Star appears reversed. The overwhelming feeling may be that spiritual support has abandoned you for a while and you are totally and completely on your own to fend for yourself. 

This card in a reading:   Your judgment could be lacking at this time and it would be wise to contemplate prior mistakes before making critical decisions.  Keep things in perspective.   All may not be lost. Illness could also be indicated, especially if this worry continues. You are being tasked to take better care of yourself. 

The Moon:  Whereas the star provides illumination and inspiration, The Moon is the master of delusion and deception. Things are not always as they seem in the Moonlight and you should keep your eyes open for any subtle shifts or changes. It is time to let your intuitive powers be your guide for your logical/critical eyes may deceive you.  

This card in a reading:    Pay special attention to gut reactions and psychic flashes at this time. Make note of any dreams or powerful feelings you may have. Trust yourself. This card can also represent things crawling up out of the past to cause problems yet again. 

The Moon Reversed:   When The Moon appears in reverse in a spread, things have definitely gone from weird to weirder. It is a particularly bad time to take any risks or make any decisions because hardly anything is as it should be.  

This card in a reading:    Put stock in nothing at this time that does not originate from you. Maintain control of your emotions and look for the truth in all things. This would be a foolish time to enter into arguments or disagreements because you won't be getting the full story from anyone. Best to ride this one out and wait for the situation to return to normal. 

The Sun:    After the shifting darkness and eerie shadows of The Moon, the brilliant light of The Sun throws us almost without preparation into stark warmth and happiness. Oh Happy Day! You have shaken off the final shadows of doubt and disillusion and are in the warmth of success and happiness. 

This card in a reading: Feel free and confident to embrace any inviting opportunities that may come your way at this time. You will find success there. This is a time for joy, excitement and eager anticipation. 

The Sun Reversed:  This card is such a powerful harbinger of happiness that even reversed, it is still a promise of success to come, although it may not be as bountiful as you expect or as close at hand as if it had been upright. Still, you will get what you need, which may be completely different from what you think you want.  

This card in a reading:     Be grateful and trust that the Powers That Be do know what they're doing, even if your wish takes a slightly different form than what you expect. 

Judgment:    Now is a wonderful time to make all the changes you desire. This is another of the karma cards and shows that it is time to reap the benefits for the acts you have sown.  

This card in a reading:   This is a time of evaluating and refurbishing the parts of your life that work and the parts of your life that don't. Some part of your life is coming to an end and it is correct action that your should look back, fondly wave it good-bye and move forward to embrace the new life that waits for you. You slate is clean and you have made amends. 

Judgment Reversed:  Because of your inability to move on and progress in life, you may have symptoms of depression or even physical manifestation of your sadness and lack of progress.  

This card in a reading:   Evaluate your life carefully and see what is holding you back. Are the obstacles to success that you are perceiving real or self-constructed? It is time for you to get out of this rut and move on.  

This card in a reading:   Something in your life is in need of being stripped away to make way for the future. If your cup is filled with junk that is useless and outmoded, the new and useful flow cannot enter in. Time to take inventory, clean house and prepare to advance. Do not be afraid. 

The World:    The World represents the top of the mountain. You have reached a new level of operation in your life and now you can look back to the work it took to get here and feel pleased and proud of your accomplishment. You are free to start any new ventures or undertakings, confident that the experience gained from the previous tasks have laid a sturdy foundation for you to build upon. You have applied the gifts of Heaven, Earth and Self well and are to be commended.  A cycle of your life is complete and a new one is set to begin.  Undertake it with confidence. 

The World Reversed:  Why does it seem like everyone else is passing you by and you are still stuck in this quagmire? Rather than freeing yourself from a situation that is long  outmoded, you have spun your wheels and are now deeper in mud than you were  before.  

This card in a reading:   You have had many opportunities for lessons in life and seem to have  dismissed them, instead making the same mistakes over and over. Free yourself  of these nonproductive actions and apply your energies correctly. Pride is  standing in the way of your advancement and rather than take the action  necessary to free yourself (which may involve a little humility) you are  sitting in the mud, whining about your predicament. It is a self-made misery,  my friend, and the sooner you recognize this and pull yourself down to reality,  the sooner you will be able to dig yourself out and progress once more.

In Summary... 

            è Major Arcana cards address significant spiritual issues.   

            è Four or more Major Arcana cards in a Celtic Cross spread indicates that there is a definite significance to the timing and content of the reading. 

            è Major Arcana cards or Court Cards may be used as the Significator. 

            è The Major Arcana may be read without the Court or Minor Cards for a more spiritual reading.




3 of Cups from the Robin Wood Tarot.The










