AMC -- Wham-BAM!
Wow. Amazing that ABC didn't promote it for weeks as "the second major
lesbian kiss shown on daytime." (I don't know what your local affiliates
are doing, but I'm being driven crazy by all the in-house promos,
particularly those for "Lost," "The Bachelorette," and "Extreme Makeover
Home: How'd They Do That?" They air constantly, and are LONG.)
Anyway, back to BAM. Is this a bone they're throwing to the BAM fans,
knowing that both actresses are leaving the show as of February 24, or is
this how they're going to get them (ahem) off? Judging by Maggie's delayed
reaction, and the vehemence of it, I'm not sure. They sure have a lot to
wrap up in less than a month -- Babe's trial and Bianca's testimony,
Jonathan's anger management treatment, the Maggie/Bianca
friendship/relationship, and, somehow, an exit for Maggie, Bianca, and
Miraculanda. How is La Kane going to react to her sainted daughter leaving
her, especially with the long-lost grandchild? (Well, perhaps Erica will
heave a sigh of relief and hope that no one remembers that she was Granny
Kane for a couple of months. Could happen.) Who will the villagers of PV
turn to for sage advice without Saint Bianca? Will Ethan be able to run
Cambias Industries without his cousin and her mother? What about Maggie's
medical studies...will David still pay for them? Will Jonathan get really,
The announcement that both Eden Riegel and Elizabeth Hendrickson are
leaving AMC came at about the same time as a strong rumor surfaced that GH
would yet again recast the role of Sarah Webber, but this time with an
actress currently playing a "well-established character on AMC." Hmmm.
Some are thinking Rebecca Budig, but I can't see it. I think she is far
too well-established as Greenlee to cut and run to GH as the third re-cast
in a role way below her current playing field. It's not a lateral move at
all. However, it would be a good move for Elizabeth Hendrickson, who I've
always felt has more talent than she's been able to showcase on AMC. If
TPTB at GH are really going to do something with the character of Sarah
this time, that is. Eden's a fine actress, but I don't think this is
the role for her. At any rate, Eden and Elizabeth are talented women and
AMC will be poorer for their loss. They both will be working actresses for
a long time.
Incidentally, didn't you love the verbal exchange between Erica and
Greenlee on Tuesday? I fully expected it to degenerate into "Harlot!"
"Hag!" "Slut!" "Brooke-wannabe!" The interplay between the two has always
been great. I've felt for a long time that TPTB have intended Greenlee to
be a sort of "Mini-Me" Kane, and that they want that character along for
the long-term, as they do Erica. (Another reason why Rebecca Budig should
stay put.) They're great together, and I look forward to the inevitable
spats when Erica becomes Greenlee's step-monster. They'll put "Dynasty"'s
Krystle and Alexis to shame!
Maddie's grown some, hasn't she? If they ever let him out of the attic (or
France), Sam will likely be six feet tall, 200 pounds, and Kendall's next
GH -- Kristina, Kristina, Who's Got The Kristina?
Did Alexis kidnap her own child as subterfuge, showing once and for all
that Kristina's not safe with Sonny? Or was it Sam, acting suspiciously,
who (somehow) knew how to break into Sonny's safe (not that Alexis could
have done it) and spirit away a child for her very own. How about another
suspect? One with the resources to piggyback on the mansion's security
system? The resources to hire outside AND inside men to betray Sonny.
Someone who hates Sonny and would stop at nothing to hurt him? A person
known for "leather-wearing-in-the-summer?" (Sorry, couldn't resist the
chance to quote a favorite line from "Waiting to Exhale!") Aw, heck, y'all
probably know who I'm talking about, but I'm not going to spoil it for
Nice to see Sonny's moved from barware to big mirrors. How many years of
bad luck does he have now? Don't let him near Southern California's
Crystal Cathedral!
Jasper Jacks. Jasper, Jasper, Jasper. You've been used. Don't you know
that jewelers to a certain class of customer are supposed to be as quiet
as a priest hearing confessions regarding their clientele AND their
purchases? If I were Jax, I'd drop-kick that guy on Bond Street and take
my considerable business elsewhere. REAL high class jewelers keep their
mouths shut. D'ya think the Royal Family uses that blabbermouth? "Oh, yes,
I just sold Queenie the most fabulously expensive brooch, and rumor has it
that Wills is coming in for a VERY SPECIAL ring..." No freakin' way. Fly
over there, bitch slap that guy, spend some cash at Asprey, and pick up
some oysters and a keg of Guinness from Dublin on your way back, OK? (That
was an old trick you once used to woo Lois, and I remember that both she
and Brenda were rather impressed. As was I.) I didn't catch it, but did
Lady Jane remind you where to mail her support check after she refused to
attend your wedding and exited in a huff? Maybe she left a payment book
behind. EVER discreet, that woman.

January 27, 2005
January 20, 2005
January 13, 2005
January 6, 2005
December 30, 2004
December 23, 2004
December 16 2004
December 8, 2004