Goodbye, Edmund. You seem to have taken much information with you to your
grave, though it appears that Brooke may be able to pull some off your
laptop and whatever else you left behind at Tempo. Curious how the
physical therapist was so certain that Eddie wasn't mobile, but Eddie's
been known to make a payoff before. This should turn out to be a
many-layered story (I'm still wondering what Zach's up to), and I'm
looking forward to watching it play out. When they throw the SORAS-ed Sam
back into the mix (hmmm...a love interest for Lily?), poor Maria will have
even more sturm und drang to handle. (Wonder if Eva LaRue is still
planning to move West now that she's got a meaty storyline to work with?)
I once liked the character of Edmund Grey. When they show the Edmund
Montage at his memorial/funeral (and you know they will), there will be
many old scenes and situations to make you say, "Oh, yeah, that was good."
I'll never forget his first date with Maria, which ended up in the hayloft
of the stable (how ironic is that?). In the middle of a heavy makeout
session, Maria grabbed her purse and gleefully pulled out a condom. (Okay,
it'll never live up to Jason Morgan ripping open a condom packet with his
teeth before a tryst with Carly, but it's up there...and now I'm thinking
of a future column...) Mind out of the gutter, now, Edmund was an integral
part of the show for quite a while, from demanding his rightful place in
the Marick family to the whole Sam adoption saga, from cross-dressing with
Tad in order to sneak into Hungary to kidnapping Erica and holding her
prisoner in the Vladzl (Hungarian version of Wildwind) cellar. His
romances with Brooke and Maria, the angst with Maddie's eventual
conception, kidnapping and return, then the "death" of Maria in a plane
crash. And these are just the highlights I remember off the top of my
head! Yet it does seem they are mourning that man, not the one who just
died. Very intriguing.
On a lighter note, here's something I omitted from a previous column,
regarding the alley fight between Ryan and Zach. How many female catfights
happen in alleys? Don't they usually happen in water, or with food, or
some element that makes the actors disheveled, wet, muddy? Okay, then, how
about some equal time? Ryan and Zach could have bumped into each other in
the sauna, wrapped only in towels, and started the fight there. From the
sauna, a logical move to either the gym's pool, or -- better yet -- mud
room, to finish the fight properly. Imagine the end result. Rrrowl.
Maurice Benard is certainly building a good Emmy reel as Sonny reacts to
the possibility that his son has been murdered. His ravaged face alone
sends shudders up my spine. Tamara Braun is also putting her last days on
the set to good use, sending out some believable emotion and then rage at
her Uncle Luke's possible involvement with Faith's escape. Steve Burton's
Jason also displayed rare emotion, and I don't think it's over yet.
As Faith was receiving several unwanted visitors in her hospital room
yesterday, I was reminded of that great film version of Agatha Christie's
"Murder On The Orient Express," where many people had a motive for murder
and each did play a part in the victim's death. First Jason, then
Elizabeth, and then Justus. There will probably be more people in and out
of that room, including the entire Quartermaine clan. Alan, despondent
over first his son and now his son's son, has the most clout as Chief of
Staff; let's see how he uses it. Perhaps Faith will be the victim of many
small scalpel jabs, each one insufficient to kill her, but enough as a
group of wounds to do her in. Presto, no one jabber can then be convicted!
This is turning into a fine sweeps story, involving many cast members, not
to mention the hospital, and I'm enjoying it. Except...I really don't want
Faith to die! Recast Carly (if you must), but without Faith, the only
evil-but-enjoyable female characters are Tracy and Helena, and where have
they been lately? (Yes, Rachel is stepping up to the plate, but to me,
she's pure evil, without the qualities that make Tracy and Helena women we
love to hate.) Please, GH, keep the Faith!

February 26, 2005
February 21, 2005
February 13, 2005
February 3, 2005
January 27, 2005
January 20, 2005
January 13, 2005
January 6, 2005
December 30, 2004
December 23, 2004
December 16 2004
December 8, 2004