Media Ho (noun): A person who retains far too much information about
people/places/things having to do with the media world, including (but not
limited to) television, movies, music, pop culture, and the
movers/shakers/performers in those worlds. Constantly frustrated by
friends’ refusal to play any one of the versions of Trivial Pursuit with
her. Result: this column, which will deal mostly with the rumors currently
out there about ABC Daytime programs and players, delving deeply into them
and offering further insight/commentary, drawing on that retained
information as well as other sources.
Last week, I dropped a little hint about the possible return of
Janet-From-Another-Planet Dillon, Amanda’s mom and a certifiable looney
tunes. The fact that Janet has been led to believe that there’s an
upcoming wedding between Amanda and Jamie Martin, and even wrote a letter
to young, foolish, clueless Jamie welcoming him to the family, got my
antennae wiggling. Next thing I know, Soap Zone has posted that
Soap Opera Weekly has reported that, yes, Janet will be making a return.
What surprised me is that the last actress to play
Janet-From-Another-Planet, Robin Mattson, is not the actress who will be
back. It’s Kate Collins, who originated the role, first as the relatively
sane sibling, Natalie Marlowe Hunter Cortlandt Chandler Dillon (I don’t
think I missed any husbands), then as the evil twin, Janet. While Collins
(did you know her dad is astronaut Michael Collins, most famously known as
one-third of the crew of Apollo 11, the mission that landed Neil Armstrong
on the moon in 1969?) was the definitive Natalie, I don’t think anyone
would argue that Mattson WAS Janet (hey, her stints as psycho Heather on
GH were great preparation). This is going to be interesting. Unfortunately,
it’s also supposed to be brief, but take heart: Walt (Jackson Montgomery)
Willey got his start as an occasional day player, and look what happened
to him. And, of course, the most famous example of an actor who was
supposed to be on camera for just a few short days was a young man named
Anthony Geary, and look at him now! Anything can happen on daytime.
Speaking of anything happening on daytime (and we’ll be doing a LOT of
that), now that the Julia/Dragon storyline has been resolved by her
killing him, wasn’t it great to see a smile on her face when she greeted
sister Anita and nephew Sam? Julia returned as a one-dimensional woman out
to avenge her husband’s death, and she was determined, dogged, and
unsmiling, at best. I only felt sympathetic towards her when they’d show
flashbacks of her former life with husband Noah, the magnificent Keith
Hamilton Cobb.
character of Julia was never better than when she was with Noah.
This is not to disparage the talent of Sydney (Julia) Penney, because she
is a fine actress. It’s simply the material she was given, and she did
what was necessary with it. Now that the storyline is over, wouldn’t it be
great to see Julia happy again? We all know what would make her happiest
-- if hubby Noah really hadn’t been killed by the Dragon and his forces,
but hidden or imprisoned somewhere, ready to make a return to his Julia.
Guess what, folks? Keith Hamilton Cobb is NOT on any other show at this
time, neither daytime nor primetime nor cable. From all reports, he is
available. Wouldn’t ABC be foolish not to make him an offer? Show Brian Frons (ABC Daytime president) a reel of Julia and Noah, and I bet he’d be
falling all over himself to sign the guy. Extra little bonus for Frons:
now that AMC has reduced the number of strong black male actors with the
killing of The Dragon/Garret Williams, so wonderfully played by Lamman
Rucker, the show can redeem itself by rehiring Cobb, pleasing the
Julia/Noah fan base at the same time.
There has been a LONG standing rumor that the Di/Dixie story will
eventually open the door for the return of Cady McClain, the “real” Dixie.
Considering that Tad’s about to burst Di/Dixie’s little bubble AND the
fact that the love of his “mother” has partially redeemed JR, that door
may be pried open before too long. McClain, no longer on ATWT, has been
spotted at a variety of charity events involving other soap stars, so
she’s still very much in the loop. And returning from the dead has been
done so many times, most recently with Di/Dixie, that there’s really no
excuse or problem in resurrecting Dixie once more. Plus, November
sweeps are coming up...
I also mentioned last week that the rumor about another ABC actress going
west to play yet another recast of GH’s Sarah Webber has been squashed.
All eyes on Rebecca Budig (Greenlee), which, in my opinion, would have
been a horrible career move for the talented actress. Why would a leading
actress drop several levels to play a character that a) has been played by
two different actresses (at last count), and b) been little more that a dud
in either incarnation? Work with what you already have; don’t resurrect
the unnecessary when you’ve already got a full slate of talent, many
woefully underused! Sad to report, though, that Soap Opera Weekly
has confirmed that Budig will, in fact, be leaving AMC when her contract
expires, at the end of the year. Damn shame. If one were to look at a tape
of her growth as an actress from her start as a spoiled little rich girl
out to nail Scott Chandler (again)... playing a manipulative bitch not above
using sex to get what she wants...her various adventures with Leo and
Ryan, Ryan’s “Impossible Dreams” schemes, heart vacillating between Leo
and Ryan, finally falling for Leo, then being destroyed by his death...the
competition between Greenlee and Erica Kane for the title of Cosmetics Queen..nasty daddy Roger Smythe stealing from her trust fund, sleeping
with Simone, and -- whoopsie! -- not even being her daddy...the whole Juan
Carlos deal...starting up Fusion...destroying daddy Jack’s wedding to
Erica...bonding with brother Reggie...and so much in between. Budig is
such a wonderful talent. In years to come, I could see her as AMC’s
next-generation Erica Kane. Well, for now, she’s off to other challenges.
Perhaps hubby Bob (“The Bachelor”) Guiney sees greener fields on the West
Coast. Perhaps she wants to try prime time or movies (remember her in
“Batman and Robin?”). Perhaps, one day, she’ll return. Until that day, I
wish her all the best...and wonder what’s going to happen with that
Ryan/Greenlee baby that’s incubating in Kendall’s womb. I foresee that
Ryan will return, which will send Greenlee out of her tree and out of Pine
Valley, but what about the baby?
Speaking of babies, this Erica/Dr. Madden link has been dropping all sorts
of hints lately. First we have Josh saying how his parents always referred
to him as their “miracle child.” Then Dr. Madden makes a snide remark to
Erica about how she got pregnant one time, only to throw the child away.
That was quickly swept under the rug, but it got me thinking. Erica was
the first daytime character to have an abortion. Could Dr. Madden have
performed it? And, as he and his wife were having fertility problems,
could he have swiped an egg or two of Erica’s as he was performing the
procedure? Why else would he yell at Josh that “Kendall Hart is the one
woman in the world you can never have!”? We’re creeping closer to the
revelation, and this is how I think it’s going to happen. Now Erica will
be able to add a half-son to the growing Kane/Montgomery clan!
This whole stalker story is supposedly going to be linked to several other
existing stories. Well, we got the first clue when Diego attacked Brook
Lynn to avenge his cousin, Sage (did he even know her?). However...was he
her initial attacker, the one who took the nudie photos, or is he just
using the same modus operandi? Then there’s Seth. My money’s on Seth as
the roofie stalker. Why? He’s trying to fight off his homosexuality, and,
as he is awkward with girls in normal social situations (remember his
clumsy attempts with Brook Lynn?), he’s using the roofie/nude photo
approach. I also think he’s eventually going to stop fighting his natural
feelings and hook up with Lucas, who has just come out of the closet to
cousin Georgie. Dillon has more or less been cleared as the stalker, but
Dr. Winters’ profile fits him, Diego, and Lucas. Could it also fit Jesse?
We’re learning more and more about Jesse, but in little drips and drabs.
When the character was introduced, it was hinted that he had some
long-standing ties to a well-known family in Port Charles. My guess was
(and is) Mike Webber Barrington, adoptive son of Rick and Lesley Webber,
natural son of Ginny Blake (later married to Rick Webber) and Derek
Barrington, who eventually left town with daddy Derek and his new wife,
Lorena Sharpe (cousin of Monica Quartermaine). I think Jesse is either
Mike, or someone tied to him. Jesse’s latest revelation, that he had an
older sister, may help or hinder this theory. You see, one COULD argue
that Mike had siblings in Amy Vining (and Blackie), sorta, not to mention
younger brother Rick Webber, Jr., the result of Rick and Ginny’s marriage.
Well, Rick Webber is gone -- OR IS HE? -- and Ginny was never mentioned
when Rick returned. Could Rick Webber, Jr. be the younger brother killed
while Jesse was playing hood?
While we’re on the subject of Jesse, it must be mentioned that
Entertainment Tonight has reported that Rick Springfield will reprise
his role as Dr. Noah Drake for four episodes, and you can consider that a
segue of sorts, as Mr. Springfield had a big pop hit with “Jesse’s Girl”
while still on GH. Dr. Drake was rather a heartthrob, and Bobbie had a
major jones for him (pun intended). Will we see Bobbie get a little
action, now that she’s been seen on screen lately? Is he in town to assist
Dr. Robin Scorpio in her attempt to save Jason? Or does he have a new
album to plug? It’s really anybody’s guess!
Soap Opera Weekly’s Carolyn Hinsey scored a major interview with
Maurice Benard over the highlight reel he had made of Jennifer Bransford
(ex-Carly) to convince TPTB to keep the actress. He has never gone to the
mat for anyone like this before; he truly believes she is a talented
actress and deserved to continue as Carly. Considering that Benard is the
second most powerful actor on GH, nipping right on the heels of number
one, Tony Geary; his opinion is not taken lightly by anyone. Plus, it must
be said that Benard doesn’t do anything that he doesn’t WANT to do.
Therefore, anyone who thinks this story is a bunch of P.R. hooey, is
wrong, wrong, WRONG. Besides, I saw with my own eyes, at the General
Hospital Fan Club Weekend last July, the natural rapport between Benard
and Bransford. Prior to the fan luncheon, the actors converged in the
Green Room, and I was there, along with other members of the press and
other people directly involved with the event or with the actors. In
between chatting with various actors, I took some candid shots. This one,
while probably the worst quality in terms of lighting, spoke volumes.

Jennifer and Maurice were talking to each other while getting coffee at
the buffet. She said something that made him laugh out loud and he gave
her an affectionate embrace. I snapped the photo. No set up, no “oh, would
the two of you pose for me,” just a candid photo of two people enjoying
each other’s company. I believe Benard went to bat for her for the exact
reasons he told Hinsey: he believed in her talent.
In the world of acting, something called a “Q Factor” is attached to each
and every actor and actress. Basically, it’s a popularity score.
Television actors with a high Q factor (think the late Robert Urich, John
Stamos) will always have work, as they are almost guaranteed to attract an
audience. The same goes for movie actors (Tom Cruise, Tom Hanks, Julia
Roberts, Cameron Diaz). Sometimes things like poor choices in roles (the
reason cited for Sandra Bullock’s star power not being as powerful as
Julia Roberts’, even though she was poised to be the “next” Julia Roberts
about 10 years ago) or poor choices in life can have a negative affect on
your Q rating, and your career suffers, or the roles either don’t come to
you or are of lesser quality. Some overcome this (Dennis Quaid), some
don’t. Now comes something called a “tracking report,” which was
reportedly shown to Kari (Reese) Wuhrer as she was being shown the door.
Carol Banks Weber, in her weekly SoapZone column, revealed that not
only were other members of the cast unaware of such reports, but that the
one given Wuhrer was rather different from feedback she’d been getting all
along that her work was fine. Are these “tracking reports” culled from
focus groups, gathered from viewer’s mail, the results of
professionally-conducted surveys, or a combination of all? Would not the
actress have benefitted by being told up-front that there were issues to
be dealt with, rather than be hit with it at the end, with decision
already made by TPTB, with no chance to change or solve the problem? These
so-called “tracking reports” could be used to improve the show, but it
looks like they’re ammunition to be used when dismissing an actor. No
wonder the whole thing was a mystery to the rest of the cast.
One actress, Kelly Monaco, has such a tremendous Q rating (no, I don’t
know the score, but trust me, it’s up there) that not even Playboy
magazine’s recent “discovery” of outtakes from her 1997 posing session,
which the magazine will publish pronto, will hurt her career. If asked to
do it now, she’d say no, but she was in a different place in 1997. After
the shoot came a role on Baywatch, then a starring role on ABC’s
Port Charles, then General Hospital and a little thing called
Dancing With The Stars. As reported by my hometown paper, the
New York Daily News, Monaco was approached to do another shoot, but
politely refused. Used to be, when nudie photos of an actress (or actor)
would surface, it could be a career breaker. In the 1950s, a much more
puritanical time, it was revealed that a starving young actress then known
as Norma Jean Dougherty, had been featured in a nude calendar. A much
savvier, less hungry Marilyn Monroe held a press conference about this and
ended up charming the media, particularly when she admitted that the “only
thing she had on was the radio.” Great save, career continued, even when
Playboy used that photo for its first centerfold! If you were to
Google Kelly’s name, you’d see lots of sites that promise nude
photography, but you see that for virtually every sexy actress (and
actor). Incidentally, what I saw of her Playboy shoot were
tasteful, beautiful photos of a gorgeous young woman with a body to die
for. Hurt her career? Not in a million years! Her star trajectory’s
continuing its ride upward, and I predict that it will continue in that
direction for quite some time.
Clint returns to Llanview
on Oct 26th and along with Viki, will be very involved in the
integration of Jessica and Tess. The story of what caused the split
will finally be revealed and poor Nash will be a lonely boy when Jess
returns. This all carries over into, guess what? November sweeps. The
rumble is that Viki will also be having a DID episode after hearing
about Jessica, but this is not confirmed.
The new Clint, Jerry
verDorn, comes to us after playing Ross on GL for 26 years. OLTL
executive producer says of the two time Emmy Award winning actor, “We
are very excited to have an actor of Jerry’s caliber join the OLTL
ensemble. He is a well respected actor, and we look forward to having
Clint Buchanan back in Llanview full time.”
The end of next week will
reveal the corpses in the lake to be Margaret and baby. Todd will be
ready to bail (again) when he hears a body identification is imminent.
It is still not confirmed that the baby was actually Todd's child.
Kassie DePaiva has signed
a 4 year contract to remain on OLTL. She commented on her
message board, "I love Blair and hope to keep you entertained for
years to come. Thanks for your support. I love my job." Kassie
provides vocals on the new Jim Brickman CD that has just been released.
Her own CD, "No Regrets," released last November, a follow up to
"Naked." "No Regrets" is available through Kassie's Official Website at
Got any hot ABC Daytime gossip you’d like to share with The Media
Ho? A difference of opinion, perhaps? Send it in!

previous Media Ho
columns, click here
March 25, 2005
March 21, 2005
March 11. 2005
March 6, 2005
February 26, 2005
February 21, 2005
February 13, 2005
February 3, 2005
January 27, 2005
January 20, 2005
January 13, 2005
January 6, 2005
December 30, 2004
December 23, 2004
December 16 2004
December 8, 2004