Honey, you're either going to "get" me and know my heart and my intent or you're not going to "get" me at all. If you don't, know your limitations and just back away from the keyboard after clicking the little "X" in the box on the upper right corner of your browser window, ne'er to return again. May you have happiness all of your days. If you enjoy what I do, then pull up a chaise by the pool and stay a while. If that's the case, you're the very person I'm writing this column for anyway. I don't write to please the masses or kiss anyone's ass. Everything you read here will be from my heart, off my cuff and dead on honest. If you want a good read designed to offend no one, go to ABC.com because they are great at what they do. If you want to hear what I really think about soaps, life, etc, then WELCOME! This is an opinion column filled with gossip and rumors and, well, my opinion. It may not agree with yours and I'm good with that. *Please also note that this is NOT a spoiler or "exclusive info" site...it's a GOSSIP page and what we are discussing might be a RUMOR or a SPOILER, but isn't guaranteed to be what hits the screen. I'm NOT in the business of or interested in breaking the exclusives.* I suggest that if you want to read on, you make peace with that as well and leave your weapons with my Marshall, Lenore, before you enter town. You'll get them back when you leave. Believe me, you'll need them for some sites on the net and I don't want my loveys to go unarmed into war! Remember to click that smiley globe in the links above to help EOS and search from the search engine above to help even more! HOW TO DO "SAGE'S SEARCH."
Note: Due to the large volume of e-mail he receives, Sage regrets that he is unable to personally answer each e-mail. He wants you to know that he reads each and every one (some 2-3 times) and greatly appreciates your communication. Please DO NOT ask Sage for further info on what is going to happen on the shows. Any information he has that he can share will be put into his column ASAP!
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Dec 16, 2002 |
A WONDERFUL collection of holiday midi's!! (must have speakers). For those who do NOT have speakers, here's a bonus:
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A nice fat column will be up later today!!!
Dec 14, 2002 |
Gedstern's final page:
Dec 13, 2002 |
Katrina says that if anyone wrote to ask for her address to send me Christmas wishes and did not get a reply, please write again! Her e-mail is jacked up.
13, 2002
Sage and the
Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day. |
Good Bye to A GH Institution
I knew it could happen, but like the death of a grandparent or cancellation of a favorite TV show, I'd prayed it wouldn't occur for a long, long time. Our favorite General Hospital site, "Gedstern's GH News, Scoops, Rumors and Humor" is closing its doors. With a heavy heart, we say good-bye to our dear friends, Aida, Laura and Karen and wish them the best of everything as they close this chapter in soap internet history. Thousands of fans joint us in this fond farewell with a huge debt of gratitude for years of faithful and reliable service, given out of love and generosity. We definitely understand the why's. The show is losing plenty of viewers. Bandwidth cost is an ongoing headache (please! don't let us be next!!), finding scoops is an exercise in futility with the studio cracking down and the egos of those who do have scoops barring the way and definitely a website is a huge investment of time and effort. We are just grateful for the memories, for the banners, for the awesome scoops and interviews and especially, for the Wubs.
Geddy Girls...we adore you and we will miss you desperately. Thanks
Sage, Katrina
& the EOS Staff
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Dec 13, 2002 |
Once you get into the Gene Wilder page, go down the the bottom and click on "home" (which has some fun quizes) or "celebrity list" to see the full listing of trivia subjects. This is a fun site. :)
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Dec 12, 2002 |
Once on the site, choose "Limited Editions" and click on each pic to see it well. One of my favorite artists. I'd kill for one of her prints, but alas! I is po, so I look online. "Double Back" is my favorite, but I'm not sure if it's listed.
Dec 11, 2002 |
Popular Demand!!!
I've put together another Sage's Funny Pages entry. It's a quickie, but a little piece of fun. :)
Welcome to:
Dec 11, 2002 |
Me Up!!
A friend of my wrote to say that there was some confusion on some soap board somewhere (big surprise, huh?) about me and/or my "Sage's Funny Pages" entry (below) and felt it might be good to clarify a few things. Some of you are going to roll your eyes at this, but in the interest of rational explanation of the obvious, I shall elaborate on a few things.
1). I do not have an obsession with cats. I like them quite a bit. I have a few particularly cool ones. I used to have my own pictures up (of me), as a few of my vet readers may recall, but situations came up where I could no longer do that. Every soap site in the world has pictures of the soap stars and I didn't want to be commonplace. I came across the picture of the cat that is on the "Sage's Place" banner above and then found the "Evil Cats of Doom" website. The pics were so expressive and reflect my varied moods so well that I just went with the cat theme. I'm a picture kind of guy and thought they'd accent the column well. I didn't expect people to bitch about it, but jeez, I guess everyone got to have a stick up their butt about something (OK, most people, not everyone). Hate or don't read me because you don't like how or what I write. Hate me because I'm not like you or the people you know. Hate me because I AM like someone you know who did you wrong. But hate me because there's a picture of a cat on my page? Pfft. Gimme a break.
2). The Sage's Funny Pages wasn't to say that people who wear tank tops are whores or that tank tops themselves are whore shirts. It was A JOKE. I just happened to have a number of snappies of Carly in the same shirt and the red caught my eye and the running joke formed in my head and I shared it. Like many jokes, some people just don't get it. In the real world, there's nothing at all wrong with telling a joke that some people don't get OR in not getting a joke. It's a wash.
3). Yes, darlings, I do understand that a lot of people who are not whores wear tank tops. The joke wasn't specifically about THAT top/blouse. It was just a joke. Yes, I understand that there are other whores on General Hospital who I, sadly, did not include in my pictorial. It is unfortunate that I was unable to integrate all of the whores into my piece and to them and those who fussed about them not being there, I extend my sympathies.
4). I do not have access to getting Whore Blouses for any of you, but I would if I could. I know you'd look spectacular in one!! Wear it proudly!! Thanks to all those who wrote to ask!
5). Yep. There are still people in this world who can't let a joke be a joke without picking and bitching. We all know what to say to that:
Dec 11, 2002 |
This Present, Loveys!!!
I was trolling around some sites that had been recommended to me and found a real jewel that you should check out! You have probably noticed here at Eye on Soaps that we are all about commentary, commentary, commentary. When Katrina started the site two years ago, she wanted to be sure that a number of diverse views were represented to be sure that everyone would find something they'd want to read. Throughout our history, we've had several WONDERFUL writers on staff and have enjoyed their views immensely.
This site, Talk Talk, links to the very best GH and PC commentary on the net, plus provides commentary of their own! Be sure and check it out! I'm not sure who is the actual webmaster, but the contributing writers for the site itself are Deanna, Dee, Julie, Kayla, Susan and Tami. From what I've read so far, I'd say these gals have a hit site on their hands! Go say hello to them and enjoy a good read!
What?? You're still here??? Go!! Have fun!! Link, honey, link!!
PS: Loves ya!!
Dec 11, 2002 |
Joys of Being Sage
Yayyyyy! Yaaaayyy!! Yaaaaayyy!!! Doing my happy dance, jumping up and down on the bed, dancing like the Joe Boxer guy (and that new commercial where he's gift wrapped is TOO precious!!) and just feeling sooooo spunky!! Remember how at Halloween I told you that I just luuuvvv candy??? (I do) Well, the ONLY thing I love more than my mom and candy is GETTING PRESENTS (cause sometimes, the present is CANDY)!!! I'm soooo happy because a few of my Ho's got together and sent me a badass photo album with their pretty pictures in it (I have always collected the most GORGEOUS readers, so if you are here reading this, you must be beautiful too because the only readers I get are the hot ones...don't squirm...I'm looking right at you and baby, you've GOT it! You're a babe!!) and sent mom a T-shirt that she sleeps in every night now. THEN Katrina just called to say that the CassaHOs, those uberfoxy Stephen Nichols' fans, sent me A STEPHEN NICHOLS 2003 CALENDAR!!!! Holy BATSKIN!!! I told her open it QUICKLY and skim through the pictures and she had to keep putting down the phone to take her hormone replacement therapy or fan herself or something because it was just sizzling. There's this one picture that is of SN and Mary Beth Evans that she says just blazes right off the page!! So I'm really eager to haul my ass up to Sacramento and pick that baby up!! Their website says there are still a few available, so honey, you OWE it to yourself to blow a little coin and pick one up for your, *cough* viewing pleasure! A big thanks goes out to those fabulous CassaHOs!!! These gals taught the rest of us how to be Ho's and do it up right!!
Another of my friends sent a cool Christmas card, so I'm going to have TWO goodies to pick up!!
Now, if anyone else feels the urge to send Sage a present, far be it from me to get in the way of your Yuletide Spirit o' Giving!! Just write to Katrina (who acts as my mailbox since my Ma is Ms Paranoid) and she'll tell you where to send the goodies!! I LOVE getting Christmas cards too!!! So does Ma!!
Humble?? Pssshaaa! Yeah! That's me! Sage the Humble. Humble don't getcha cards and goodies!! Humble is for preachers and puppy dogs, Sweetheart!!
Lovin YOU!
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Dec 11, 2002 |
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Dec 10, 2002 |
Be sure and click on "Back to Main" to get the full list of warpables!!
Just click on the banners to get them
and see how easily Sage is amoozed!
I truly hope you enjoy them. They were a pain in the ass to make. OH! And for those of you who have a stick up their butt...IT'S A JOKE!!! Laughing!! Ha. Ha.
Ha ha. Hmm.
Love you muchly!!
Here to Learn How to Help Sage
and Eye on Soaps Stay in Business!!
reader sent me a PILE of wonderful snappies, but didn't have tracking for where
all came from. If I use any that are yours and you'd like the credit, just
lemme know. :)